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使用 puppeteer 时,启动浏览器后打开新页面是否更快,或者我应该尝试使用当前加载的选项卡

[英]When using puppeteer, is it faster to open a new page after launching the browser, or should I try and use the current tab that gets loaded

Here's my current code:这是我当前的代码:

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({...});
const page = await browser.newPage();

and then i do all my puppeteer stuff.然后我做我所有的木偶戏。 The issue is, this opens 2 tabs: one when the browser gets launched, and one when you call the newpage function.问题是,这会打开 2 个选项卡:一个是在浏览器启动时,另一个是在您调用 newpage 函数时。 Would it be faster/worthwhile to do this instead?这样做会更快/值得吗?

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({...});

const getPages = await browser.pages();
const page = getPages[0];

This loads the browser and accesses the tab that is already open.这将加载浏览器并访问已打开的选项卡。 Is this better practice or does it not really make a difference?这是更好的做法还是真的没有什么不同?


const [ page ] = await browser.pages();

If you are loading multiple pages it is recommended to use the context API (see here for docs ):如果您要加载多个页面,建议使用context API(请参阅此处的文档):

// Create a new incognito browser context
const context = await browser.createIncognitoBrowserContext();
// Create a new page inside context.
const page = await context.newPage();
// ... do stuff with page ...
await page.goto('https://example.com');
// Dispose context once it's no longer needed.
await context.close();

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