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[英]Extracting a value between a long string

I am trying to extract a string from a longer string in one of my columns. 我正在尝试从我的一列中的较长字符串中提取字符串。

Here is a sample of what I have tried: 这是我尝试过的示例:

df['Campaign'] = df.full_utm.str.extract('utm_campaign=([^&]*)')

and this is a sample of the string I am referring to: 这是我所指的字符串的示例:


The problem is that this only returns this: 问题是,这只会返回以下内容:


The desired output in this context would be 在这种情况下,期望的输出将是


Use urlparse 使用urlparse

Ex: 例如:

import urllib.parse as urlparse

df['Campaign'] = df["full_utm"].apply(lambda x: urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(x).query)["utm_campaign"]) 

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