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带有 html-pdf npm 的动态 PDF

[英]Dynamic PDF with html-pdf npm

When creating a Dynamic PDF in node using html-pdf, the content became cut at the end of pages.使用 html-pdf 在节点中创建动态 PDF 时,内容在页面末尾被剪切。

PDF 图像

In html, added <div id="pageFooter"></div>在 html 中,添加<div id="pageFooter"></div>

Code that used to create PDF is用于创建 PDF 的代码是

   pdf.create(finalstr, {
          format: "A3",
          "footer": {
            "height": "10mm",

Is there any solution?有什么解决办法吗?

Is it possible to create PDF from HTML using PhantomJs?是否可以使用 PhantomJs 从 HTML 创建 PDF?


pdf.create(finalstr, {
  format: "A3",
  "footer": {
    "height": "10mm",
  "border": {
    "bottom": "10mm"


pdf.create(finalstr, { format: "A4", "header": { "height": "20mm" } "footer": { "height": "20mm", } })

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