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“ag-grid”表格单元格中的自定义迷你图内的 D3 工具提示在表格单元格边界之外不可见

[英]D3 tooltip inside custom sparkline chart in an 'ag-grid' table cell not visible outside of table cell boundary

I have an angular.js app with d3 and ag grid javascript grid libary ( https://www.ag-grid.com/ ) to generate a tooltip for providing point data on a waterfall chart inside the table.我有一个带有 d3 和 ag grid javascript grid libary ( https://www.ag-grid.com/ ) 的 angular.js 应用程序来生成一个工具提示,用于在表格内的瀑布图上提供点数据。

When I hover to a lower poin on a particular chart I get a tooltip but is clipped if it extends beyond the table cell boundary.当我将鼠标悬停在特定图表上的较低点时,我会收到一个工具提示,但如果它超出表格单元格边界,则会被剪裁。

Cell/Chart width height is 300px by 150px.单元格/图表宽度高度为 300 像素 x 150 像素。

What I have tried (with partial success):我尝试过的(部分成功):

 <div tabindex="-1" unselectable="on" role="gridcell" comp-id="51" col-id="CloseTrends_1" 
 class="ag-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-with-height ag-cell-value ag-cell-focus" 
 style="width:500px;left: 915px;">   

width 500px works to only eliminate horizontal clipping value for each cell modified but vertical portion clipping is still occuring when tooltip goes below the cell boundary on y axis.宽度 500px 仅用于消除修改后的每个单元格的水平剪裁值,但当工具提示低于 y 轴上的单元格边界时,垂直部分剪裁仍然发生。

What I want:我想要的是:

Each chart to have tooltips visible above and throughtout cell no matter of location of tooltip on cell chart.无论工具提示在单元格图表上的位置如何,每个图表都会在单元格上方和整个单元格中显示工具提示。

overflow: visible on the svg element and the above modification partially helped but still is producing an incomplete solution overflow: visible在 svg 元素上overflow: visible ,上述修改部分有帮助,但仍然产生不完整的解决方案

Open the fiddle and scroll table to right to see the charts.打开小提琴并向右滚动表格以查看图表。 Hover with mouse to observe effect.用鼠标悬停观察效果。

https://next.plnkr.co/edit/6m3EoZ2RN1bWMOiP?preview https://next.plnkr.co/edit/6m3EoZ2RN1bWMOiP?preview

You can create an html tooltip that appears based on its activated position.您可以创建一个基于其激活位置出现的 html 工具提示。 This should eliminate the issue of the tooltip getting cut off.这应该消除工具提示被切断的问题。

//function to append the tooltip; this is assuming only one tooltip will show at a time

appendTooltip() {
      var target = document.getElementById("app");

      var tooltip = d3.select(target).selectAll(".tool-tip");

      if (tooltip.empty()) {
        tooltip = d3.select(target).append("div")
          .attr("class", "tool-tip")
          .style("opacity", 0);

      return tooltip

//function to show the tooltip
showTooltip(tooltip, d) {

        .style("opacity", 0.8);

      var html = `<div>date<div>${d.date}`

      tooltip.style("left", (d3.event.pageX + 10) + "px)
      tooltip.style("top", d3.event.pageY + "px")

//function to remove the tooltip
removeTooltip(tooltip) {
        .style("opacity", 0);

You can style the tooltip however you want.您可以根据需要设置工具提示的样式。 Make sure to add appropriate z-index if necessary.如有必要,请确保添加适当的 z-index。

.tooltip {
    fill: white;
    stroke: #000;
    opacity: 0.75;
// Append the tooptip when you first draw the d3 graph, and call the tooltip to add new HTML element on mouseover.

var tooltip = appendTooltip();

element.on("mouseover", d => showtooltip(tooltip, d);)

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