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[英]Vue router missing params

I'm trying to use router link to pass a parameter to a page. 我正在尝试使用路由器链接将参数传递给页面。 The issue is that I'm not able to access the param playerId in the players page. 问题是我无法访问播放器页面中的参数playerId。 I've followed the example in vue router site . 我在vue路由器站点中遵循了该示例。 Below are my code. 下面是我的代码。

Route.js Route.js

      path: '/player/:slug',
      name: 'playerprofile',
      component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "playerprofile" */ './views/PlayerProfile.vue'),
      props: true

Router Link Tag 路由器链接标签

<router-link :to="{path: '/player/'+ player.personName.replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase(), params: {slug: player.personName,playerId: player.personId}}">
            <TextH3 class="font-bold flex-1 text-black hover:text-primary">{{ player.personName }}</TextH3>

Before Route hook in the page 页面中的Route钩子之前

beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {

Console Log 控制台日志

fullPath: "/player/test-data"
hash: ""
matched: [{…}]
meta: {}
name: "playerprofile"
  slug: "Test Data"
__proto__: Object
path: "/player/test-data"
query: {}

When you use path yours params will be equals to your slug in your case will be "slug: test-data" , there you should use query . 当您使用path您的params将等于您的slug在您的情况下将是"slug: test-data" ,在那里您应该使用query

If you want pass params you should use name instead of path as your link says. 如果您想要传递params ,则应使用name代替链接所指的path

update : This hack should work for you: 更新 :此hack应该为您工作:

    name: 'playerprofile',
    params: {
      slug: player.personName.replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase(),
      playerName: player.personName,
      playerId: player.personId
  <TextH3 class="font-bold flex-1 text-black hover:text-primary">
    {{ player.personName }}

Then u can access to params playerName & playerId . 然后,您可以访问参数playerNameplayerId

May this will help for you : 愿这对您有帮助:

created() {
    this.slug = this.$router.params.slug;

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