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是否有 Vorto Eclipse 模型导入器 API

[英]Is there a Vorto Eclipse Model Importer API

I am setting up an automation, and wanted to ask if there is an API to import Vorto models.我正在设置一个自动化,并想问是否有一个 API 来导入 Vorto 模型。 Right now, it looks like it is only possible via the website ( https://vorto.eclipse.org/#/import ).现在,看起来只能通过网站 ( https://vorto.eclipse.org/#/import ) 实现。

At https://www.eclipse.org/vorto/swagger/ there is a 'Vorto Importer Plugin API'.https://www.eclipse.org/vorto/swagger/有一个“Vorto Importer Plugin API”。 I guess this API is only for importing plugins as the name suggests.顾名思义,我猜这个 API 仅用于导入插件。

If this is not available, are there any plans to implement such a function?如果没有,是否有计划实现这样的功能?

currently the Repository API of Vorto 0.11 does not support to import models via REST.目前 Vorto 0.11 的 Repository API 不支持通过 REST 导入模型。 It is a pure read-only REST API.它是一个纯只读的 REST API。 You can "only" import models via the Repository Web Interface ( https://vorto.eclipse.org )您可以“仅”通过存储库 Web 界面 ( https://vorto.eclipse.org ) 导入模型

However there is a GitHub issue about your request: https://github.com/eclipse/vorto/issues/1667 and it will be available in 0.12 Release, which is planned for end of august.但是,您的请求有一个 GitHub 问题: https : //github.com/eclipse/vorto/issues/1667 ,它将在 0.12 版本中可用,该版本计划于 8 月底发布。

The Vorto Importer Plugin API is an API to implement an Importer Plugin that you can register with the Vorto Repository. Vorto 导入器插件 API 是用于实现导入器插件的 API,您可以向 Vorto 存储库注册该插件。 An Importer plugin could for example be a Web Of Things or JSON Schema Plugin, that converts these 3rd party descriptors to Vorto Information Models.例如,导入器插件可以是 Web Of Things 或 JSON Schema Plugin,它将这些 3rd 方描述符转换为 Vorto 信息模型。 As I understand your question, that is not what you wanna do :)据我了解您的问题,这不是您想要做的:)

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