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[英]How to subscribe to an Observable in Angular

I'm trying to subscribe to an Observable so I can display it in HTML with Angular, doing console.log(player) works fine however I get 我试图订阅一个Observable,所以我可以用Angular在HTML中显示它,但是console.log(player)可以正常工作,但是我得到了

Type 'Player' is missing the following properties from type 'Observable<Player>': _isScalar, source, operator, lift, and 6 more.ts(2740)

I've tried using .pipe() , 我尝试使用.pipe()


<div *ngIf="(player$ | async) as player">
  <div *ngIf="player.characterUid">

Component: 零件:

player$: Observable<Player>;
subPlayer: Subscription;

selectPlayer(matEvent: MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent): void {
    this.inputFriends = matEvent.option.value;
    this.selectedPlayer = matEvent.option.value;
    this.inputP = false;

    this.subPlayer = this.playerProvider.get$(matEvent.option.value.userUid).subscribe(
      (player: Player) => {
        this.player$ = player; // Type 'Player' is missing the following properties from type 'Observable<Player>': _isScalar, source, operator, lift, and 6 more.ts(2740)

Provider: 提供者:

get$(uid: string): Observable<Player> {
    return this._getDoc(uid)
        map((sPlayer: ServerPlayer) => sPlayer ? new Player(sPlayer) : null)

  private _getDoc(uid: string): AngularFirestoreDocument {
    return this.afs.doc(`players/${uid}`);

I'm just trying to assign player$ so I can display it in the HTML 我只是想分配player$以便可以在HTML中显示它

In your code player$ is not an observable, it's already the result of the observable. 在您的代码player$中不是可观察的,它已经是可观察的结果。

player: Player; // <-- here
subPlayer: Subscription;

selectPlayer(matEvent: MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent): void {
    this.inputFriends = matEvent.option.value;
    this.selectedPlayer = matEvent.option.value;
    this.inputP = false;

    this.subPlayer = this.playerProvider.get$(matEvent.option.value.userUid).subscribe(
      (player: Player) => {
        this.player = player; // <-- here
<div *ngIf="player"> <!-- here -->
  <div *ngIf="player.characterUid">

you don't need to subscribe , async pipe will subscribe and get the value for you 🧙‍♂️ 您不需要订阅,异步管道将订阅并为您获取价值🧙‍♂️

player$: Observable<Player>;

selectPlayer(matEvent: MatAutocompleteSelectedEvent): void {
    this.inputFriends = matEvent.option.value;
    this.selectedPlayer = matEvent.option.value;
    this.inputP = false;

    this.player$= this.playerProvider.get$(matEvent.option.value.userUid);


The async pipe takes care of subscribing and unwrapping the data as well as unsubscribing when the component is destroyed, so you don't need subPlayer 异步管道负责订阅和解包数据以及在组件销毁时取消订阅,因此您不需要subPlayer

template 模板

<ng-container *ngIf="(player$ | async) as player">
  <div *ngIf="player.characterUid">

Async Pipe 🔥 异步管道🔥

I'm just trying to assign player$ so I can display it in the HTML 我只是想分配玩家$,以便可以在HTML中显示它

this.player$ = this.playerProvider.get$(matEvent.option.value.userUid);

this method returns an observable, so if you want to assign player$ , you can do it that way. 此方法返回一个可观察的值,因此,如果要分配player$ ,则可以这样做。 In your html template, you're using | async 在您的html模板中,您正在使用| async | async which handles subscribe/unsubscribe automagically. | async处理自动订阅/取消订阅。

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