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当$ STRING以“\\ t \\ t”结尾时,如何使split(/ \\ t /,$ STRING)检测空值?

[英]How can I make split(/\t/, $STRING) detect empty values when $STRING ends with “\t\t”?

How can I make split(/\\t/, $STRING) detect empty items when $STRING ends with "\\t\\t" ? $STRING"\\t\\t"结尾时split(/\\t/, $STRING)如何进行split(/\\t/, $STRING)检测空项目?

Using Perl script, I am trying to split strings based on as a separator between items then count and use these items. 使用Perl脚本,我试图基于作为项之间的分隔符来拆分字符串,然后计算并使用这些项。 But, when the strings end with a combination s, the script doesn't count empty items. 但是,当字符串以组合s结束时,脚本不会计算空项。

Example: 例:

string="value1\\tvalue2\\t\\t\\t\\t" (value1, value2 and 4 empty items) string="value1\\tvalue2\\t\\t\\t\\t" (value1,value2和4个空项)

but it counts 2 items (value1, value2): 但它有2个项目(value1,value2):

print $STRING."\n";
my @F = split(/\t/, $STRING);
print scalar(@F)."\n";

# The number of items must match the number of header name
if( scalar(@F) == 6 )
                    print  "Done \n";

the code prints: 代码打印:

value1  value2      

while what is expected is: 而预期的是:

value1  value2  

Change the split line by adding -1 as a parameter: 通过添加-1作为参数来更改split线:

my @F = split(/\t/, $STRING, -1);

Output: 输出:

value1  value2              

Per perldoc split , the parameters to split are PATTERN, EXPR, LIMIT . perldoc split ,要split的参数是PATTERN, EXPR, LIMIT In your current situation, "LIMIT is omitted so "trailing empty fields are stripped." 在你目前的情况下,“LIMIT被省略,所以”尾随空字段被剥离。“

By adding the -1 value for LIMIT : 通过为LIMIT添加-1值:

If LIMIT is negative, it is treated as if it were instead arbitrarily large; 如果LIMIT为负数,则将其视为任意大; as many fields as possible are produced. 生成尽可能多的字段。

So a negative final argument prevents split from discarding trailing fields. 因此,否定的最终参数可防止split废弃尾随字段。

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