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[英]Loop through JSON response - Ansible

I have a JSON response from the server that looks like this: 我从服务器收到一个JSON响应,如下所示:

    "rules": [
            "id": "1234",
            "disabled": false,
            "condition": [
            "catch_all": false,
            "advanced_condition": [],
            "actions": [
                    "^\\[.*\\] *([^ ]*)",
            "id": "9876",
            "disabled": false,
            "condition": [
            "catch_all": false,
            "advanced_condition": [],
            "actions": [
                    "^\\[.*\\] *([^ ]*)",

I want to loop over this and match the string Sidewalk . 我想循环遍历并匹配字符串Sidewalk If there is a match, then get the value of id of the matched. 如果存在匹配项,则获取匹配项的id的值。

I tried this 我试过了

- name: API call - GET Event Rule ID
   url: "{{ api_event_rules }}"
    method: GET
    status_code: 200
      Content-Type: "application/json"
      Accept: "application/vnd.ap+json;version=2"
      Authorization: "Token token={{ api_token }}"
  register: json_response

I tried this JMESPath 我尝试了这个JMESPath


But this gives out something like this: 但这给出了这样的内容:


I'm not able to find my way past this, very new to ansible. 我无法通过这条路,这对ansible很新。 Any help is much appreciated. 任何帮助深表感谢。

Q: "Match the string Sidewalk. If there is a match, then get the value of id of the matched." 问:“匹配字符串Sidewalk。如果存在匹配项,则获取匹配的id的值。”

A: It's not clear which 'Sidewalk' we shall look for. 答:不清楚我们要寻找哪个“人行道”。 Let's take first one. 让我们来第一个。 The task below creates a dictionary of id and the corresponding condition 下面的任务创建一个id和相应条件的字典

- set_fact:
    ids: "{{ rules|
            json_query('[*].{key: condition[1][2], value: id}')|
- debug:
    var: ids['Sidewalk']

The debug gives 调试给出

"ids['Sidewalk']": "9876"

If this shall be a conditional task the debug below 如果这是一个有条件的任务,请在下面进行调试

- debug:
    msg: "Sidewalk found with id: {{ ids['Sidewalk'] }}"
  when: "'Sidewalk' in ids.keys()"


"msg": "Sidewalk found with id: 9876"

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