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如何迅速将核心数据管理对象数组转换为“可识别”列表? (Xcode 11,Beta 5)

[英]How to transform array of core data managed objects into an “identifiable” list, in swift? (Xcode 11, Beta 5)

How would one transfer an array of managed objects retrieved from Core Data using Swift/IOS via a "fetchRequest", to an array that is "identifiable"? 如何将使用Swift / IOS通过“ fetchRequest”从“核心数据”中检索到的管理对象数组转移到“可识别”数组中?

Example - How to make the "tasks" array "identifiable" 示例-如何使“任务”数组“可识别”

let fetchRequest : NSFetchRequest<Todo> = Todo.fetchRequest()
let tasks = try context?.fetch(fetchRequest)

Background: 背景:

  • In SwiftUI using a "List" the array of data you pass to the List needs to be "identifiable". 在使用“列表”的SwiftUI中,传递给列表的数据数组必须“可识别”。
  • I also note the identified(by: .self) seems to be deprecated. 我还注意到,已标识(by:.self)似乎已被弃用。
  • Using (Xcode 11, Beta 5) 使用(Xcode 11,Beta 5)
  • Currently using xcode's automatic creation of managed objects for the core data entities, so would be nice to stick with this approach 当前使用xcode为核心数据实体自动创建托管对象,因此坚持使用此方法会很不错

Use replacement ForEach(Data, id: \\.idAttribute) 使用替代ForEach(Data, id: \\.idAttribute)

The feature identified(by: .self) was replaced with the new syntax: identified(by: .self)的功能已被新语法替换:

ForEach(filteredGrapes, id: \.id) { grape in
    GrapeCell(grape: grape)

Coredata example: Coredata示例:

Using a file named ItemStore.xcdatamodeld with an entity ItemDAO defined with Generation=Class Definition enabled and having a String-attribute named title . 使用名为ItemStore.xcdatamodeld的文件,该文件的实体ItemDAO定义为启用了Generation=Class Definition并具有名为title的字符串属性。

Note: One has to Product/Clear Build Folder and afterwards restart Xcode to make Xcode11Beta5 find the proper key path, which seems to be a bug in Xcode11Beta5. 注意:必须先获得Product/Clear Build Folder ,然后重新启动Xcode,以使Xcode11Beta5找到正确的密钥路径,这似乎是Xcode11Beta5中的错误。

import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import CoreData

class MyItemStore {
    public static func defaultItems() -> [ItemDAO]{
        let store = NSPersistentContainer(name: "ItemStore")
        store.loadPersistentStores { (desc, err) in
            if let err = err {
                fatalError("core data error: \(err)")
        let context = store.viewContext
        let item = ItemDAO(context: context)
        item.title = "hello you"
        try! context.save()
        return [

struct CoreDataView: View {
    let items: [ItemDAO] = MyItemStore.defaultItems()

    var body: some View {
            ForEach(items, id: \.title) { (item: ItemDAO) in
                Text(item.title ?? "no title")

Adding Identifiable via Extension 通过扩展添加可识别

extension Todo: Identifiable {
    public var id: String {
        //return self.objectID.uriRepresentation().absoluteString
        return self.title!

Maintaining CoreData models manually to add Identifiable 手动维护CoreData模型以添加可Identifiable

There you can add Identifiable as usual, which is not necessary though since an extension can add Identifiable too. 在那里您可以照常添加Identifiable ,但这不是必需的,尽管扩展名也可以添加Identifiable。

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