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[英]No exception when unable to connect to kafka cluster

I am unable get an exception when the program fails to connect to the kafka cluster.当程序无法连接到 kafka 集群时,我无法获得异常。 The code outputs the exception in the console logs but I need it throw an exception.代码在控制台日志中输出异常,但我需要它抛出异常。 I am using this c# library: https://github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-do.net我正在使用这个 c# 库: https://github.com/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-do.net

ProducerConfig _configKafka = new ProducerConfig { BootstrapServers ="localhost:9092/" };

ProducerBuilder<string, string> _kafkaProducer = new ProducerBuilder<string, string>(_configKafka);
using (var kafkaProducer = _kafkaProducer.Build())

        var dr = kafkaProducer.ProduceAsync("Kafka_Messages", new Message<string, string> { Key = null, Value = $"message {i++}" });

            Console.WriteLine($"Delivery failed:");

        var status = dr.Status;

        //Console.WriteLine($"Delivered '{dr.Value}' to '{dr.TopicPartitionOffset}'");

    catch (ProduceException<Null, string> e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Delivery failed: {e.Error.Reason}");

Below is the error printed by confluent-kafka in console:下面是 confluent-kafka 在控制台打印的错误:

%3|1565248275.024|FAIL|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:localhst:9092/bootstrap]: localhst:9092/bootstrap: Failed to resolve 'localhst:9092': No such host is known.  (after 2269ms in state CONNECT)
%3|1565248275.024|ERROR|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:localhst:9092/bootstrap]: localhst:9092/bootstrap: Failed to resolve 'localhst:9092': No such host is known.  (after 2269ms in state CONNECT)
%3|1565248275.025|ERROR|rdkafka#producer-1| [thrd:localhst:9092/bootstrap]: 1/1 brokers are down

To get the actual exception within your application you need to add .SetErrorHandler() : 为了在您的应用程序中获取实际的异常,您需要添加.SetErrorHandler()

    ProducerBuilder<string, string> _kafkaProducer = new ProducerBuilder<string, string>(_configKafka);

    using (var kafkaProducer = _kafkaProducer.SetErrorHandler((producer, error) =>
                           //You can handle error right here


error.Reason contains the error message error.Reason包含错误消息

You can use both .SetLogHandler and .SetErrorHandler in your consumer and producer code.您可以在消费者和生产者代码中同时使用.SetLogHandler.SetErrorHandler Otherwise it kind of silently fails without providing much details.否则它会在不提供太多细节的情况下默默地失败。 You can forward the messages to your logger there.您可以将消息转发到那里的记录器。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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