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[英]Am I able to use the advantages of sealed classes using generics?

I want to create a generic "find" method, that finds a provided entity that implements a sealed class and returns it without having to recur to polymorphism. 我想创建一个通用的“查找”方法,该方法查找提供的实体,该实体实现一个密封的类并返回它,而不必再次涉及多态性。

I wanted to do something like this, but I have not found a way that satisfies everything I want and compiles. 我想做这样的事情,但是我还没有找到一种满足我想要并编译的东西的方法。

sealed class Spell(val id: Long)
class Fireball(id: Long, val name: String): Spell(id)
class Storm(id: Long, val size: String): Spell(id)

inline fun <reified T: Spell> find(id: Long): T =
    when (T) {
        Fireball -> Fireball(id, "fireball")
        Storm -> Storm(id, "3 acres")

fun main() {

How about this? 这个怎么样?

inline fun <reified T : Spell> find(id: Long): T =
    when (T::class) {
        Fireball::class -> Fireball(id, "fireball")
        Storm::class -> Storm(id, "3 acres")
        else -> throw IllegalStateException()
    } as T

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