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Angular -innerHTML,转义少于/大于字符,但离开<br />原封不动的

[英]Angular - innerHTML, escape less/greater than characters, but leave <br /> untouched

So I have an Angular 8 app with a table that is displaying parsed XML content, but there are some cases where a string can contain所以我有一个 Angular 8 应用程序,其中包含一个显示解析的 XML 内容的表格,但在某些情况下,字符串可以包含
tags that needs to be parsed as HTML, but also other content braced in less/greater than signs, for example .需要被解析为 HTML 的标签,还有其他内容用小于/大于符号支撑,例如 . I'm using [innerHTML] to inject it to a tag, but these braced strings get cut out.我正在使用 [innerHTML] 将其注入标签,但这些带支撑的字符串被剪掉了。 I've tried using DomSanitizer like this:我试过像这样使用 DomSanitizer:

public sanitizeDsxText(text: any): any {
    return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(text);

But unfortunately, that didn't work either.但不幸的是,这也不起作用。 Have anyone ever faced a similar issue and can provide a simple solution?有没有人遇到过类似的问题并且可以提供一个简单的解决方案? I will appreciate it greatly :),我将不胜感激:),

EDIT: As per request, to be more precise.编辑:根据要求,更准确地说。 I have a like this:我有一个这样的:

<td class="dsx-table__cell" [innerHTML]="item.target?.txt">

Text in "item.target?.txt" looks like this: "Cześć wam, tu bliźniaki dwa <br/> Paprika – siostra, brat <FAR/OFF>" * “item.target?.txt”中的文本如下所示: "Cześć wam, tu bliźniaki dwa <br/> Paprika – siostra, brat <FAR/OFF>" *

  • tags with added spaces because StackOverflow is cutting them too.添加空格的标签,因为 StackOverflow 也在削减它们。

And the <bt/> get parsed like it should, to normal <br> tag, but <FAR/OFF> get cut out - I need to find a way to only parse <br> 's and leave other strings in brackets not parsed.并且<bt/>被解析为正常的<br>标记,但<FAR/OFF>被删除 - 我需要找到一种方法只解析<br>并将其他字符串留在括号中而不是解析。

I'm late to the party.我参加聚会迟到了。 I've created a Angular pipe that either allows you to selectively allow tags or have the option to convert them to HTML entities.我创建了一个 Angular 管道,它允许您有选择地允许标签或可以选择将它们转换为 HTML 实体。

Here's the code:这是代码:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";
import { DomSanitizer } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import DOMPurify from "dompurify";

  name: "safeHtml",
export class SafeHtmlPipe implements PipeTransform {
  constructor(private domSanitizer: DomSanitizer) {
    // How to securely allow target attribute
    // https://github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/issues/317
    DOMPurify.addHook("afterSanitizeAttributes", function (node: Element) {
      // set all elements owning target to target=_blank
      if ("target" in node) {
        (node as Element).setAttribute("target", "_blank");
        (node as Element).setAttribute("rel", "noopener");

  transform(html: string, convertToEntity: boolean, additionalTags?: string[]): string {
    if (html.length > 0) {
      // we don't want tags such as `<input>` or any form elements
      // from being displayed, and at the same time allows certain
      // tags element for styling
      const sanitizeOptions = {
        FORBID_TAGS: ["script", "form", "input", "select", "textarea"],
        ADD_TAGS: ["b", "i", "em", "span"],
        // NOTE: we enable this one if in case the addHook method has unexpected behavior
        // ADD_ATTR: ["target"],

      if (additionalTags && additionalTags.length) {

      let sanitizedContent = html;

      if (convertToEntity) {
        sanitizedContent = this.escapeHtml(html);
      } else {
        sanitizedContent = DOMPurify.sanitize(html, sanitizeOptions);

      return this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(sanitizedContent) as string;

    return html;

  private escapeHtml(str: string): string {
    // DOMSanitizer or DOMPurify doesn't have options to convert special characters
    // to html entities
    return str
      .replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
      .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
      .replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
      .replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
      .replace(/'/g, "&#039;");


  • allow img and a tags允许imga标签
<div class="modal-body" [innerHTML]="message | safeHtml: false:['img', 'a']"></div>
  • escape strings by converting special characters to their equivalent HTML entities.通过将特殊字符转换为其等效的 HTML 实体来转义字符串。 Useful for displaying codes as string without the fear for XSS用于将代码显示为字符串而不用担心 XSS
<p [innerHTML]="content | safeHtml: true"></p>

Well turns out it's either too complicated or impossible to do with DomSanitizer, so the solution we chose was to parse it differently on back-end -事实证明,使用 DomSanitizer 要么太复杂要么不可能,所以我们选择的解决方案是在后端以不同的方式解析它 -
tags are returned normally in JSON response, but every other string braced in "<>" has it replaced with HTML entities and it works like it should.标签通常在 JSON 响应中返回,但每个其他用“<>”括起来的字符串都将其替换为 HTML 实体,并且它的工作方式应该如此。

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