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[英]Node-postgres - Flattening query result array

I want to get a array of ids from my database table as a one-dimensional array. 我想从数据库表中获取ID数组作为一维数组。

I've used QueryArrayConfig for my query string with the rowMode set to "array". 我已经将QueryArrayConfig用于查询字符串,并将rowMode设置为“ array”。 I get my ids correctly, but it returns a two-dimensional array. 我可以正确获取我的ID,但是它返回一个二维数组。

            const idQuery: pg.QueryArrayConfig = {
                name: 'get-ids',
                text: 'SELECT id FROM MySchema.SomeTable'
                rowMode: "array"

            pool.query(idQuery).then((result: pg.QueryResult) => {

I get : [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ] ] , but I need [1 , 2] . 我得到: [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ] ] ,但是我需要[1 , 2] Is there a way to do this with my query directly? 有没有办法直接对我的查询执行此操作? Or do I need to flatten my array after I get my results? 还是获得结果需要展平阵列?

Edit : If I remove rowMode: array , I get an array of javascript objects : [anonymous { id: 1 }, anonymous { id: 2 }] , which doesn't give me what I need. 编辑 :如果删除rowMode: arrayrowMode: array得到一个javascript对象数组: [anonymous { id: 1 }, anonymous { id: 2 }] ,这并不能满足我的需要。

If you use a rowMode of 'Array' it will return each row as an individual array as per the docs https://node-postgres.com/features/queries#Query%20config%20object . 如果您使用'Array'的rowMode ,则将按照docs https://node-postgres.com/features/queries#Query%20config%20object的形式将每一行作为单独的数组返回。 The default is to return each one as an object, so just remove the rowMode:"array" line and see if that works. 默认值是将每个对象作为一个对象返回,因此只需删除rowMode:"array"行,看看是否rowMode:"array"

With the object you can use map or the array you can use a simple flatMap on your original results 使用对象,您可以使用map或数组,也可以在原始结果上使用简单的flatMap

let results = result.flatMap(row => row); // for the array or array results
let results = result.map(item => item.id); // for the object results

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