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[英]How to merge multi-index layers in pandas pivot-table?

Let's say I got the dataframe for players perfomance in matches like this: 假设我得到了像这样的比赛中球员表现的数据框:

    Match    Faction    A         B
    BG1      Alliance   8         10
    BG1      Alliance   2         5
    BG1      Horde      5         25
    BG2 ...

I want to aggregate teams stats A and B per match, in other words, get dataframe like this: 我想汇总每场比赛的球队统计数据A和B,换句话说,获得如下数据框:

    Match  Alliance A  Alliance B  Horde A  Horde B
    BG1    10          15          5        25
    BG2 ...

I know I can just form each columns manually, but I was looking for more elegant way to solve the problem. 我知道我可以手动形成每个列,但是我正在寻找更优雅的方法来解决问题。 So, I tried this: 所以,我尝试了这个:

    df.pivot_table(values=['A', 'B'], index='Match', columns='Faction', aggfunc=lambda x: x.sum())

Which gives me the following: 这给了我以下内容:

             A                B
    Faction  Alliance  Horde  Alliance  Horde
    BG1      10        5      15        25  
    BG2 ...

Now, is there any way to merge these multi-indexes to turn them into 'Alliance A', 'Horde A', 'Alliance B', 'Horde B' columns? 现在,是否有任何方法可以合并这些多索引以将它们转换为“联盟A”,“部落A”,“联盟B”,“部落B”列? My only idea was to apply 我唯一的想法是申请


...which drops multi-index layers, however, it requires manually renaming the columns after. ...这会删除多索引层,但是,之后需要手动重命名列。

That's easy, because you already did most of the work: 这很容易,因为您已经完成了大部分工作:

# create a list of the new column names in the right order
new_cols=[('{1} {0}'.format(*tup)) for tup in pivoted.columns]

# assign it to the dataframe (assuming you named it pivoted
pivoted.columns= new_cols

# resort the index, so you get the columns in the order you specified

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