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使用 MongoAlchemy 从字典中保存记录

[英]Save record from dictionary using MongoAlchemy

My model class for user collection looks like this.我的用户集合模型类如下所示。

class User(UserMixin,db.Document):
    config_extra_fields = 'ignore'
    first_name = StringField()
    last_name = StringField()
    def get_id(self):
        return str(self.mongo_id)

To insert value to this collection I use the following code:要向该集合插入值,我使用以下代码:

user = User(first_name="FN", last_name="LN", finale_name="SOMENAME")

I tried setattr , But it is ignoring the attributes that are not defined in the class.我试过setattr ,但它忽略了类中未定义的属性。

Its working fine and even the finale_name is added to the document.它工作正常,甚至finale_name也被添加到文档中。 However, I am unable to insert it dynamically.但是,我无法动态插入它。

Can I insert a dictionary to mongo using that class?我可以使用该类向 mongo 插入字典吗? Something like this?像这样的东西?

user = User({
        "first_name": "NEW NAME",
        "last_name": "LAST NAME",
        "username": "USER NAME",
        "one_more": "Hello"

Use below code:使用以下代码:

data = {
        "first_name": "NEW NAME",
        "last_name": "LAST NAME",
        "username": "USER NAME",
        "one_more": "Hello"

user = User(**data)

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