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使用 Python argparse,如果未指定我的输出文件的名称,我希望使用输入文件的名称

[英]Using Python argparse, if the name of my output file is not specified, I would like the input file’s name to be used

All of the examples use sys.stdout as the default for an optional output file.所有示例都使用sys.stdout作为可选输出文件的默认值。 I would like the default to use the name of my input but with the extension changed.我希望默认使用我的输入名称,但扩展名已更改。 For example, if my input file is example.gif then I would like the default output file to be named example.png .例如,如果我的输入文件是example.gif那么我希望将默认输出文件命名为example.png I am trying to write a subclass of argparse.FileType to do this, but would appreciate it if someone has previously solved this problem.我正在尝试编写argparse.FileType的子类来执行此操作,但如果有人以前解决了此问题,我将不胜感激。

Please directly look at @alkasm comment.请直接看@alkasm 评论。 It's far better and shorter!!它更好更短!!

I use something similar to name my default log files.我使用类似的东西来命名我的默认日志文件。 Could you try this?你能试试这个吗?

def change_file_ext(file_path, new_ext='.out'):
    from pathlib import Path
    in_file_path = Path(file_path)
    out_file_path = Path(Path(in_file_path.parent), Path(in_file_path.stem + new_ext))
    return out_file_path

Note that both in_file_path, out_file_path are instances of pathlib.PosixPath .请注意, in_file_path, out_file_path都是pathlib.PosixPath实例。 That should be cross platform那应该是跨平台的

For ex:例如:

print(change_file_ext('C:\\some\\dir\\filename.in', new_ext='.log'))

Will yeld:会喊:


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