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使用AJAX和Laravel 5.8的动态依赖选择选项

[英]Dynamic dependent select option using AJAX and Laravel 5.8

I am actually trying to obtain a dynamic dependent select option for city based on region and in my controller i am returning a string(using echo) but unfortunately the string is not rendering in the select option(of cities) on the browser. 我实际上试图基于区域获取城市的动态依赖选择选项,并且在我的控制器中我返回一个字符串(使用echo),但是不幸的是,该字符串未在浏览器的(城市)选择选项中呈现。 but i can see it by inspection or by printing on the console. 但我可以通过检查或在控制台上打印看到它。

my jquery: 我的jQuery:

    <script >

      if($(this).val() != '')
       var select = $(this).attr("id");
       var value = $(this).val();
       var dependent = $(this).data('dependent');
       var _token = $('input[name="_token"]').val();
        url:"{{ route('dynamicdependent.fetch') }}",
        data:{select:select, value:value, _token:_token, dependent:dependent},





: my controller :我的控制器

class DynamicDependent extends Controller

    public function fetch(Request $request)
      $select = $request->get('select');
      $value = $request->get('value');
      $dependent = $request->get('dependent');

      $data = city::where($select,$value)->get();

     $output = '<option value="">Select '.ucfirst($dependent).'</option>';
     foreach($data as $row)
      $output .= '<option value="'.$row->$dependent.'">'.$row->$dependent.'</option>';
     echo $output;

:no eroor message :没有错误的讯息

Here is the picture of the actual outpout : 这是实际支出的图片: 在此处输入图片说明

I suspect that the response might not be that well formed. 我怀疑答案可能不是那么好。

Try to return a proper response instead of echoing yourself. 尝试返回正确的响应,而不是回声自己。

// other code in the controller ...

return response()->json($output);

If it doesn't help, please include the actual response you get in the browser/console. 如果没有帮助,请在浏览器/控制台中包含您得到的实际响应。

thanks. 谢谢。 actually i was using bootstrap select library and there is a class called selectpicker when i removed this class from the select tag of city it worked fine 实际上我在使用引导选择库,当我从城市的选择标签中删除此类时,有一个名为selectpicker的类

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