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[英]while loop stops just when condition is false and a delay is inserted

i want to execute a while loop until a condition is reached, the condition is given by an interrupt fired with a user button, but when i press the button the while loop does not ends, the strange is that if i put a delay inside the loop then it works 我想执行一个while循环直到达到条件,该条件由一个用用户按钮触发的中断给出,但是当我按下按钮时while循环并没有结束,奇怪的是,如果我在循环然后工作

//does not works:
while( 1 )

 while (button_state==0)
   //do something

while( 1 )

 while (button_state==0)
   HAL_Delay(500);//i don't know why needs this to work
   //do something

//does not works:
while( 1 )

 while (button_state==0)
   //do something

void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
  button_state = 1;

the program starts with a "hello", then goes into the while loop, i press the button and in this point the interrupt puts button_state to 1 and i expect that the while loops ends, reach the line where i reset the condition "button_state=0;" 程序以“ hello”开始,然后进入while循环,我按下按钮,此时中断将button_state设置为1,我希望while循环结束,到达我将条件重置为“ button_state = 0;” and see "hello" again but nothing of this happens. 并再次看到“你好”,但没有任何反应。 If i insert the delay inside the loop all the expected is fulfilled 如果我在循环中插入延迟,则所有预期都已实现

If it your variable button_state isn't declared volatile, the compiler might try to optimize away accesses to button_state within while (button_state==0) {} causing unexpected behaviour. 如果您的变量button_state未被声明为volatile,则编译器可能会尝试在button_statewhile (button_state==0) {}优化对button_state访问,从而导致意外行为。 Try declaring it as volatile . 尝试将其声明为volatile

EDIT: Posting deleted answer back, for reference, since the OP has accepted in comments that this was the solution to his problem. 编辑:张贴删除的答案回来,以供参考,因为OP在评论中接受了这是他的问题的解决方案。

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