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[英]Error type: range() integer end argument expected, got LP_c_ulong

I got this error when I try to use 'slots_num' as a parameter in range(): 当我尝试使用'slots_num'作为range()中的参数时出现此错误:

        slots_num = pointer(c_uint32())
        slots = pointer(c_uint32())

        if self.mgetBusSlotsFunc(self.mf, slots_num, slots) != 0:
            raise Exception("Failed to get slots")


        for x in range(0, slots_num):

What I did wrong? 我做错了什么?

The range built-in function expects integers as its arguments , range内置函数期望整数作为其参数

The arguments to the range constructor must be integers (either built-in int or any object that implements the index special method). 范围构造函数的参数必须是整数(内置int或实现索引特殊方法的任何对象)。

but you have provided a pointer instance. 但是您提供了一个指针实例。

>>> import ctypes
>>> p = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_uint32(2))
>>> for i in range(0, p):print(i)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'LP_c_uint' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

You need to dereference the pointer to get the corresponding value. 您需要取消引用指针以获取相应的值。

>>> d = p.contents.value
>>> d
>>> for i in range(0, d):print(i)

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