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TFS Build Agent停止运行

[英]TFS Build Agent Stopped Running

The other evening we attempted to migrate our database to a different server. 前一天晚上,我们尝试将数据库迁移到其他服务器。 This ended up getting reversed and everything is now back up and running as expected except for the Builds. 最终这一切都被逆转了,除了构建之外,所有内容现在都已按预期备份和运行。

I have removed/re-installed the build agent on the server and all is seemingly running okay. 我已经在服务器上删除/重新安装了构建代理,并且看起来一切正常。

Agent is online: 代理在线:


Services are running: 服务正在运行:


Roles have been set up: 角色已设置:


Any ideas why this still isn't running our builds, it just sits there with 任何想法为什么它仍然不能运行我们的版本,它只是坐在那里

Waiting for available agent 等待可用的代理

There are multiple possibilities which may cause this kind of issue. 有多种可能会导致这种问题的可能性。 Please try below items to narrow down the issue: 请尝试以下项目以缩小问题范围:

  1. Check the build definition requirements ( Demands section ) and the agent offering. 检查构建定义要求(“ 需求”部分 )和代理产品。 Make sure it has the required capabilities installed on the agent machine. 确保已在代理计算机上安装了必需的功能。

    When a build is queued, the system sends the job only to agents that have the capabilities demanded by the build definition . 当构建排队时,系统仅将作业发送给具有构建定义所需功能的代理

  2. Check if Team Foundation Administration Console the property of "Notification URL" was with invalid value of not existed server. 检查Team Foundation管理控制台“通知URL”属性是否具有无效值 ,即不存在的服务器。 Change to an available server if so. 如果是这样,请更改为可用服务器。
  3. Make sure the account that the agent is run under is in the " Agent Pool Service Account " role. 确保在其下运行代理的帐户具有“ 代理池服务帐户 ”角色。
  4. Try to change a domain account which is a member of the Build Agent Service Accounts group and belongs to "Agent Pool Service Account" role, to see whether the agent would work or not. 尝试更改属于“ 构建代理服务帐户”组的成员并属于“代理池服务帐户”角色的域帐户,以查看该代理是否可以运行。

  5. Check build agent machine if it's out of space or not, try with another build agent 检查构建代理机器是否空间不足,请尝试使用另一个构建代理

  6. Restart the whole TFS server and check if this do the trick. 重新启动整个TFS服务器,并检查是否可以解决问题。 Need some time to wait. 需要一些时间等待。

After checking all of PatrickLu-MSFT points, we finally figured out that it was because the configuration was trying to point to 2 different db locations, running 在检查了所有PatrickLu-MSFT点之后,我们最终发现这是因为配置试图指向两个不同的数据库位置,正在运行

TFSConfig RemapDBs TFSConfig重新映射数据库

to the new db location and removing the old db location configuration solved the issue for us. 到新的数据库位置并删除旧的数据库位置配置为我们解决了这个问题。

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