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[英]Use brain.js neural network to do compare string and numbers from array

For learning and fun, I wanted to focus on brain.js, but with a different example than it's already described. 为了学习和娱乐,我想专注于brain.js,但是它的例子与已经描述的有所不同。 I have a problem, but probably with a bad approach to this library. 我有一个问题,但可能对这个库的处理方式不好。

Namely, in a json I have book titles and their prices, while in a train I provide keywords and the price I can give for its occurrence in the title. 即,在json中,我有书名及其价格,而在火车中,我提供了关键字以及可以为其提供的价格。

my JSON: 我的JSON:

  [{ "title": "Bible js", "price": 30 }, 
  { "title": "Bible php", "price": 25 }, 
  { "title": "Bible java", "price": 40 }, 
  { "title": "All about js", "price": 25 }, 
  { "title": "Testing in php", "price": 50 }, 
  { "title": "How to start with java", "price": 40 }]

my code for brain.js: 我的brain.js代码:

  const brain = require('brain.js');
  const jsonData = require('./books.json');

  const myMatch = [
    { input: ["js", 40], output: [1] },
    { input: ["php", 20], output: [1] },
    { input: ["How to", 50], output: [1] },
    { input: ["java", 0], output: [0] },
    { input: ["Bible", 0], output: [0] }

  var config = {
    binaryThresh: 0.5,     // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    hiddenLayers: [3],     // array of ints for the sizes of the hidden layers in the network
    activation: 'sigmoid' // Supported activation types ['sigmoid', 'relu', 'leaky-relu', 'tanh']

  var net = new brain.NeuralNetwork(config);
  jsonData.forEach(element => {
    let result = net.run(element.title, element.price);
    console.log(element.title, element.price);
    typeof result;

I load book titles and their prices and then I want it to return my degree of interest to given words and the price that interests me or not. 我加载书名及其价格,然后希望它将我的兴趣程度恢复为给定的单词和我不感兴趣的价格。

For example, I am looking for books about js for $40 and php for $20. 例如,我正在寻找40美元的js和20美元的php书籍。 I'm totally not interested in titles with "Bible" or "java". 我对“圣经”或“ java”的书名完全不感兴趣。 The error I'm struggling with is NaN . 我遇到的错误是NaN

The reason you are getting NaN is you are feeding strings into the net where an array of numbers should go. 出现NaN的原因是您正在将字符串输入应该放入数字数组的网络中。 How many books are you classifying? 您要分类几本书?

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