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如何使用 puppeteer 确认警报弹出窗口

[英]How to confirm alert popup with puppeteer

I'm clicking on a link that contains a confirm dialog but not being able to dismiss.我正在单击包含确认对话框但无法关闭的链接。

I tried to press "Enter" and use puppeteer's method to dismiss & accept the dialog but nothing happened.我尝试按“Enter”并使用 puppeteer 的方法关闭并接受对话框,但什么也没发生。

The link:链接:

<a onclick="return confirm('Yes?');" id="link" href="google.com">

I tried:我试过:

page.on('dialog', async dialog => {
    console.log('here'); //does not pass
    await dialog.accept();
    //await dialog.dismiss();


await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
await page.keyboard.press(String.fromCharCode(13));

Make sure you start listening to the dialog event before clicking the link.确保单击链接之前开始收听dialog事件。 Something like this:像这样的东西:

page.on('dialog', async dialog => {
  await dialog.accept();

await page.click('a');

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