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使用bbox策略强制刷新openlayers 5.3集群源

[英]Force refresh openlayers 5.3 cluster source with bbox strategy

I am using OpenLayers for our javascript map application. 我正在将OpenLayers用于我们的javascript地图应用程序。 There is a cluster layer which has custom loader function (that means the data are loaded through this function from database) and the behavior is set to bbox , which means that the layer is refreshed everytime the user moves the map. 有一个具有自定义加载器功能的群集层(这意味着数据是通过此功能从数据库加载的),并且行为设置为bbox ,这意味着该层在用户每次移动地图时都会刷新。

let vectorSource = new sourceVector({
  strategy: bbox,
  loader: function(extent, resolution, projection) {
    Log.warn("refresh attempt");

    // other long code that is not important and works well

let clusterSource = new Cluster({
  distance: 25,
  source: vectorSource

However, I am in a situation that the underlaying data gets changed by the user and I need to refresh the map manually. 但是,我处于底层数据被用户更改的情况,我需要手动刷新地图。

I tried a lot of approaches that I found, for example: 我尝试了很多发现的方法,例如:

clusterSource.refresh(); // does nothing
layer.set('visible', false); 
layer.set('visible', true); // does nothing
map.addLayer(layer); // does nothing
clusterSource.clear(true); // removes all items from the map but does not call loader function to load them again
clusterSource.loadedExtentsRtree_.clear(); // does nothing

So far, the only thing that worked is to move the map elsewhere and then return back: 到目前为止,唯一有效的方法是将地图移到其他位置然后返回:

let originalCenter = [

let newCenter = [
  map.getView().getCenter()[0] + 50,
  map.getView().getCenter()[1] + 50

setTimeout(() => {
    center: newCenter,
    duration: 0
  setTimeout(() => {
      center: originalCenter,
      duration: 0
  }, 10);
}, 10);

But that of course causes the map to flicker there and back and I would like to avoid that. 但这当然会使地图在那儿来回闪烁 ,我想避免这种情况。 Is there some hidden solution for this problem that actually works? 对于这个实际可行的问题,有一些隐藏的解决方案吗? I wanted simply to force the cluster layer to call the defined loader function and I didn't expect it to be such a problem. 我只想强制集群层调用已定义的加载器函数 ,但我并不认为这会成为问题。

Thanks for any tips, Vojtech 感谢您的任何提示,Vojtech

Thanks to Mike's suggestion, I found the solution. 感谢迈克的建议,我找到了解决方案。

The solution is following (the key is to use the inner vectorSource of cluster source): 解决方案如下(关键是使用群集源的内部vectorSource):


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