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[英]Git: Change branch I have branched off of

For a new feature I have created a branch in Git from the current dev branch (not master) and implemented some changes locally but without committing. 对于一项新功能,我从当前的dev分支(不是master)在Git中创建了一个分支,并在本地实现了一些更改,但未提交。 Then I got sidetracked, and development has moved on. 然后我被束缚了,开发继续进行。 The branch I used as a base has been closed now, and there's a new one. 我用作基础的分支现已关闭,并且有一个新分支。

How can I change my feature branch so it's using the new dev branch as a base? 如何更改功能分支,使其以新的dev分支为基础?

master --
     \-- dev 1
             \-- feature
     \-- dev 2

I want to move feature now that it branched off to dev 2 and then commit my changes: 现在我想移动功能,因为它分支到了dev 2,然后提交了我的更改:

master ---
     \-- dev 1
     \-- dev 2
             \-- feature

to the feature branch, without losing commits which others might have made, of course. 当然,在不丢失其他人可能做出的提交的情况下,也可以将其添加到功能分支。

You need to 你需要

git rebase dev1 feature --onto dev2

(If I remember the arguments correctly, you may need dev1^ but I dont believe so). (如果我没记错的话,您可能需要dev1^但我不相信)。

Looks like you have to add your changes that are not commited yet on top of the dev2 branch. 看起来您必须在dev2分支的顶部添加尚未提交的dev2 Please correct me if I'm mistaken. 如果我弄错了,请纠正我。

Solution: 解:

git stash save -u "My feature"     # stash all changes
git branch -d feature              # delete old feature branch
git checkout dev2
git branch -b feature              # create new feature branch
git stash apply                    # unstash all you changes

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