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[英]How to get all items in multiple Arrays in a JSON file using VBA?

Basically I want to read some .JSONn files with very structured data (many arrays, items and values) and my goal is to put the items and values in an excel sheet. 基本上,我想读取具有结构化数据(许多数组,项目和值)的某些.JSONn文件,而我的目标是将项目和值放入Excel工作表中。 I have trouble getting stuck when I reach arrays data-type. 当我到达数组数据类型时,我很难卡住。

I can read the files and include some items and values using the Library VBA-JSON 2.3.1 我可以使用库VBA-JSON 2.3.1读取文件并包含一些项目和值

Dim jsonObject As Object, i As Integer, FSO

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set JsonTS = FSO.OpenTextFile("D:\JSON\file.json", ForReading)

JsonText = JsonTS.ReadAll


Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set jsonObject = JsonConverter.ParseJson(JsonText)

i = 2
n = 1

    For Each Item In jsonObject
        ws.Cells(i, n) = jsonObject(Item)
        i = i + 1: n = n + 1

    MsgBox ("Complete!")

Set jsonObject = Nothing

Here's my sructured JSON file: 这是我构造的JSON文件:

  "id": "2ca5da11-b311-43db-9661-afa3b833aad4",
  "name": "_menuAposentacoes",
  "auto": true,
  "contexts": [],
  "responses": [
      "resetContexts": false,
      "affectedContexts": [
          "name": "aposentacoes_22-followup",
          "parameters": {},
          "lifespan": 2
      "parameters": [
          "id": "6e86b18e-77c1-4571-ad53-eba8db91d4b3",
          "required": false,
          "dataType": "@aposentacao",
          "name": "aposentacao",
          "value": "$aposentacao",
          "promptMessages": [],
          "noMatchPromptMessages": [],
          "noInputPromptMessages": [],
          "outputDialogContexts": [],
          "isList": true
          "id": "be28b756-32dd-40e7-99db-d7f91cc9ddb6",
          "required": false,
          "dataType": "@CGA",
          "name": "CGA",
          "value": "$CGA",
          "promptMessages": [],
          "noMatchPromptMessages": [],
          "noInputPromptMessages": [],
          "outputDialogContexts": [],
          "isList": false
          "id": "f52786f0-15cd-4fc4-983f-32b248ddcf3f",
          "required": false,
          "dataType": "@descontos",
          "name": "descontos",
          "value": "$descontos",
          "promptMessages": [],
          "noMatchPromptMessages": [],
          "noInputPromptMessages": [],
          "outputDialogContexts": [],
          "isList": false
          "id": "6e7f4c49-f35f-46fb-9db9-c24eb16f0b40",
          "required": false,
          "dataType": "@situacaoCGA",
          "name": "situacaoCGA",
          "value": "$situacaoCGA",
          "promptMessages": [],
          "noMatchPromptMessages": [],
          "noInputPromptMessages": [],
          "outputDialogContexts": [],
          "isList": false
          "id": "70328121-e748-4508-a287-7fc30a9cd9f6",
          "required": false,
          "dataType": "@penalizacao",
          "name": "penalizacao",
          "value": "$penalizacao",
          "promptMessages": [],
          "noMatchPromptMessages": [],
          "noInputPromptMessages": [],
          "outputDialogContexts": [],
          "isList": false
      "messages": [
          "type": 0,
          "lang": "pt",
          "speech": "Some text."
          "type": 4,
          "lang": "pt",
          "payload": {
            "message": "Some text: ",
            "ignoreTextResponse": false,
            "platform": "kommunicate",
            "metadata": {
              "contentType": "300",
              "templateId": "6",
              "payload": [
                  "title": "Other text",
                  "message": "Other text"
                  "title": "Other text",
                  "message": "Other text"
                  "title": "Other text",
                  "message": "Other text"
                  "title": "Other text",
                  "message": "Other text"
          "type": 4,
          "lang": "pt",
          "payload": {
            "message": "Other text",
            "ignoreTextResponse": false,
            "platform": "kommunicate",
            "metadata": {
              "contentType": "300",
              "templateId": "6",
              "payload": [
                  "title": "Sim",
                  "message": "Sim"
                  "title": "Não",
                  "message": "Não"
      "defaultResponsePlatforms": {},
      "speech": []
  "priority": 500000,
  "webhookUsed": false,
  "webhookForSlotFilling": false,
  "fallbackIntent": false,
  "events": []

Here's a useful routine that can help you determine how to parse the JSON data, based on information in this answer . 这是一个有用的例程,可以根据此答案中的信息来帮助您确定如何解析JSON数据。 The routine is recursive, so it will successively call itself to continue parsing the JSON input. 该例程是递归的,因此它将连续调用自身以继续解析JSON输入。

The current output is to the immediate window using Debug.Print , but you can modify these statements to put the results into worksheet cells according to your needs and format (which was not really specified in your question). 当前输出是使用Debug.Print到即时窗口的,但是您可以修改这些语句,以根据需要和格式将结果放入工作表单元格(在问题中并未真正指定)。

Notice that the level parameter is incremented by two with each JSON level. 请注意,每个JSON级别将level参数增加2。 This is likely due to the format of the JSON source itself. 这可能是由于JSON源本身的格式。 For example, the top-level responses field has both a [ and a { to indicate internal structure. 例如,顶级responses字段同时具有[{以指示内部结构。 You can adjust the logic to deal with this however best suits your use case. 您可以调整逻辑以处理此问题,但最适合您的用例。

Option Explicit

Sub ImportJSON()
    Dim fso As FileSystemObject
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Dim jsonFilename As String
    Dim jsonFile As Object
    Dim jsonText As String
    jsonFilename = "D:\JSON\file.json"
    Set jsonFile = fso.OpenTextFile(Filename:=jsonFilename, IOMode:=ForReading)
    jsonText = jsonFile.ReadAll

    Dim json As Object
    Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(jsonText)

    OutputJSON "(top)", json, 1
End Sub

Sub OutputJSON(ByVal itemName As String, _
               ByRef jsonItem As Variant, _
               ByVal level As Long)
    Dim item As Variant
    Select Case TypeName(jsonItem)
        Case "Dictionary"
            For Each item In jsonItem
                If IsObject(jsonItem(item)) Then
                    If jsonItem(item).Count = 0 Then
                        Debug.Print level & " " & itemName & "." & _
                                    item & " is empty " & _
                        OutputJSON itemName & "." & item, jsonItem(item), level + 1
                    End If
                    Debug.Print level & " " & itemName & "." & _
                                item & " = " & jsonItem(item)
                End If
            Next item

        Case "Collection"
            Dim i As Long
            i = 1
            For Each item In jsonItem
                If IsObject(item) Then
                    OutputJSON itemName & "[" & i & "]", item, level + 1
                    Debug.Print level & ": " & itemName & "[" & i & "]", item
                End If
                i = i + 1
            Next item
    End Select
End Sub

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