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[英]How to print last value of an iteration for loop

I am trying to print the date interval where I have no corresponding data. 我正在尝试打印没有相应数据的日期间隔。 For exemple, I want to be able to say that I don't have data recorded from 2008/04/28 22:00 to 2008/04/29 00:00 and from 2008/10/06 09:45 to 2008/10/06 10:15, etc. 例如,我想说的是,我没有从2008/04/28 22:00到2008/04/29 00:00以及从2008/10/06 09:45到2008/10的数据记录/ 06 10:15,等等。

Here is a part of my file: 这是我文件的一部分:

023004         2008/04/28 22:00                   AR

023004         2008/04/28 22:15                   AR

023004         2008/04/28 22:30                   AR

023004         2008/04/28 22:45                   AR

023004         2008/04/28 23:00                   AR

023004         2008/04/28 23:15                   AR

023004         2008/04/28 23:30                   AR

023004         2008/04/28 23:45                   AR

023004         2008/04/29 00:00    49.37

023004         2008/04/29 00:15    51.41

023004         2008/04/29 00:30    50.96

023004         2008/04/29 00:45    53.73

023004         2008/10/06 09:15    2.587 

023004         2008/10/06 09:30    2.587 

023004         2008/10/06 09:45    2.587 

023004         2008/10/06 10:00                   A

023004         2008/10/06 10:15    2.624

023004         2008/10/06 10:30    2.624

023004         2008/10/06 10:45    2.643

023004         2008/10/06 11:00    2.662

023004         2008/10/06 11:15    2.680

023004         2008/10/06 11:30                   A

023004         2008/10/06 11:45                   A

023004         2008/10/06 12:00                   A

023004         2008/10/06 12:15                   A

023004         2008/10/06 12:30                   A

I tried this code: 我尝试了这段代码:

fich = "test1.txt"

f = open(fich, "rb")
for line in f:
    a = line.split()[3].isalpha()
    if a == False:
        print "valeur"
        print "Pas de valeur de precipitation du", line.split()[1], "a", line.split()[2], "h ", "au", line.split()[1], line.split()[2], "h "

But it does not give me the interval of value I am looking for. 但这并没有给我寻找价值的间隔。 It just tells me if I have a data or not. 它只是告诉我是否有数据。

I want to be able to print the first and last value of each missing data interval. 我希望能够打印每个缺少的数据间隔的第一个和最后一个值。

this approach will give you all of the ranges for which there is no data - assuming there is a constant 15min step between each data point..it basically filters out the dates for which there is no data, and then groups them into chunks where there is a 15min gap between each data point and if not puts the next bit of data into another chunk. 这种方法将为您提供所有没有数据的范围-假设每个数据点之间有恒定的15分钟步长。它基本上会过滤掉没有数据的日期,然后将它们分组到有数据的地方是每个数据点之间15分钟的间隔,如果没有,则将下一数据位放入另一个块中。

I copied and pasted your sample text into excel and saved it as .csv so this should work with minimal alteration if any: 我将您的示例文本复制并粘贴到excel中,并将其另存为.csv,因此,如果有什么改动,它应该可以进行最少的改动:

import pandas as pd
import os
delta = pd.Timedelta(15,'m') #define time step
df = pd.read_csv('test.csv',header=0) #read in the data
df['date']=pd.to_datetime(df['date']) #convert the date column to datetime
df = df[pd.notnull(df['date'])] #drop all rows (spaces) with nothing in them
df = df.reset_index(drop=True) #renumber the index

missing_dates=df[df['val'].isnull()]['date'] #dates with no data associated with them
diffs = missing_dates.diff() #difference between missing dates
for i in diffs.index: #loop through the differences
    if pd.isnull(diffs.loc[i]): #first difference always NaT because nothing before it
        tmp.append(missing_dates.loc[i]) #add to temp list
    elif diffs.loc[i] == delta: #if difference is delta, then it is in same chunk as previous data point
        tmp.append(missing_dates.loc[i]) #add to tmp list
    else: #once you reach a data point that is in the next chunk
        ranges.append(tmp) #append temp list to ranges of missing data
        tmp=[] #re-initialize the temp list
        tmp.append(missing_dates.loc[i]) #append value to first position of the list representing the next chunk


This will give you a list of lists, where each list contains all the times for which there is no data and that are spaced 1 time step apart 这将为您提供一个列表列表,其中每个列表包含所有时间,这些时间没有数据并且间隔1步

It will not however include the date before/after the date with missing data 但是,它将不包含缺少数据的日期之前/之后的日期

output looks like: 输出看起来像:

for r in ranges:
    print('No data between '+str(r[0])+' to '+str(r[-1]))

outputs: 输出:

No data between 2008-04-28 22:00:00 to 2008-04-28 23:45:00
No data between 2008-10-06 10:00:00 to 2008-10-06 10:00:00
No data between 2008-10-06 11:30:00 to 2008-10-06 12:30:00

probably not the best approach out there, but will hopefully aim you in a direction that helps 可能不是最好的方法,但希望能将您的目标对准有助于

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