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[英]python: getting the key value within the value of dictionary

i want to pass the key string into the lambda function as argument for mn within the same line. 我想将密钥字符串作为同一行中mn参数传递给lambda函数。 Is there a way to do that? 有没有办法做到这一点? i don't want to retype the key string again. 我不想再次输入密钥字符串。

switch = {
    'foo': lambda: bb.Data(ticker=self.ticker, key=self.key, func='yes', mn='foo'),
    'bar': lambda: bb.Data(ticker=self.ticker, key=self.key, mn='bar')

You can create the dictionary like this: 您可以这样创建字典:

switch = {
    key: lambda: do_something(key)
    for key in ['foo', 'bar']

If you want to call a different function for a different key, you would need something like this: 如果要为不同的键调用不同的函数,则需要这样的操作:

def add_dict_item(a_dict, key):
    if key == 'foo':
        a_dict[key] = lambda: do_something(key)
    elif key == 'bar':
        a_dict[key] = lambda: do_something_else(key)

switch = {}
add_dict_item(switch, 'foo')
add_dict_item(switch, 'bar')

You can define a member function since you have used self. 由于您使用过self,因此可以定义成员函数。 And use dictionary comprehension. 并使用字典理解。

def mn_func(self, mn_item):
   return bb.Data(ticker=self.ticker, key=self.key, mn=mn_item)

list_of_items = ['foo', 'bar']
switch ={ mn_item:mn_func(mn_item) for mn_item in list_of_items}

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