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[英]How to copy specific data from one worksheet to another using VBA

I need help editing my code so that it does something more specific. 我需要帮助来编辑我的代码,以便它执行更具体的操作。 Currently the code separates all data from a "Data" worksheet in to separate corresponding worksheets using the "Name of Opportunity" column. 当前,代码使用“机会名称”列将所有数据从“数据”工作表中分离出来,以分隔相应的工作表。 I need it so that it separates depending on what the user wants it to separate by. 我需要它,以便根据用户希望它分开的地方分开。 So for example, in field W11 on a separate worksheet called "Diagram" the user can enter "Co" as a opportunity and when they click the "Split Data" button on the same worksheet it should only split by "Co" and put it in a separate worksheet called "Opportunity" 因此,例如,在名为“ Diagram”的单独工作表上的字段W11中,用户可以输入“ Co”作为机会,并且当他们单击同一工作表上的“ Split Data”按钮时,应仅按“ Co”分开并将其放入在名为“机会”的单独工作表中

Here is the scenario I am trying to achieve: 这是我要实现的方案:

  1. User enters an opportunity name in the “Diagram” worksheet in field W11 用户在字段W11的“图表”工作表中输入机会名称

  2. User presses “Split Data” button in “Diagram” worksheet 用户在“图表”工作表中按“拆分数据”按钮

  3. A separate worksheet is automatically created called “Opportunity” 自动创建一个单独的工作表,称为“机会”

  4. Looks-up the “Name of Opportunity” column in the “Data” worksheet and compares it with the user entry (step 1) 在“数据”工作表中查找“机会名称”列,并将其与用户条目进行比较(步骤1)

  5. All the data that corresponds with the users entered field (step 1) will be copied over into the newly made “Opportunity” worksheet – This includes the entire row (all 4columns AD of that specific entry). 与用户输入字段(步骤1)相对应的所有数据将被复制到新创建的“机会”工作表中–包括整行(该特定条目的所有4列AD)。

Example: If a user types in "Co" in the W11 field and then presses the "Split Data" - all the "Co" opportunities will be put in a separate worksheet (called "Opportunity") 示例:如果用户在W11字段中输入“ Co”,然后按“拆分数据”,则所有“ Co”机会都将放在单独的工作表中(称为“机会”)

Data Worksheet 数据工作表

Diagram Worksheet 图表工作表

Assumptions: 假设:

  • The user can press the “Split Data” button again and it should re-do the process (Overwrite the “Opportunity” worksheet) 用户可以再次按下“拆分数据”按钮,它应该重新执行该过程(覆盖“机会”工作表)

  • As the data on the "Data" worksheet will be always increasing the range that it looks up should be end of row 由于“数据”工作表上的数据将始终增加,因此查找范围应在行尾

What I have done 我做了什么

As stated above I am struggling to get the code to be more specific (unsure how to go about editing the code - can't find anything online that helps me understand). 如上所述,我正在努力使代码更加具体(不确定如何进行代码编辑-无法在线找到任何有助于我理解的内容)。 I am currently able to split all data into different worksheets but I need it only to be split by what the user wants. 我目前能够将所有数据拆分到不同的工作表中,但是我只需要根据用户的需求进行拆分即可。 Here is the code I have below: 这是我下面的代码:

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Const col = "A"
Const header_row = 1
Const starting_row = 2
Dim source_sheet As Worksheet
Dim destination_sheet As Worksheet
Dim source_row As Long
Dim last_row As Long
Dim destination_row As Long
Dim Opp As String

Set source_sheet = Workbooks("CobhamMappingTool").Worksheets("Data")
last_row = source_sheet.Cells(source_sheet.Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).Row

For source_row = starting_row To last_row
    Opp = source_sheet.Cells(source_row, col).Value
    Set destination_sheet = Nothing
    On Error Resume Next
    Set destination_sheet = Worksheets(Opp)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If destination_sheet Is Nothing Then 
        Set destination_sheet=Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
        destination_sheet.Name = Opp
        source_sheet.Rows(header_row).Copy Destination:=destination_sheet.Rows(header_row)
    End If
    destination_row = destination_sheet.Cells(destination_sheet.Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    source_sheet.Rows(source_row).Copy Destination:=destination_sheet.Rows(destination_row)
Next source_row

End Sub

Any help is appreciated 任何帮助表示赞赏

Many thanks, James 非常感谢,詹姆斯

There are more than one ways to achieve what you are looking for. 有多种方法可以实现您想要的。 The one which uses most of your code is shared below. 下面分享了使用大部分代码的代码。 Notice the new lines that I have added. 注意我添加的新行。

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Const col = "A"
Const header_row = 1
Const starting_row = 2
Dim source_sheet As Worksheet
Dim destination_sheet As Worksheet
Dim source_row As Long
Dim last_row As Long
Dim destination_row As Long
Dim Opp As String

Dim oppVal As String

Set source_sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3")
last_row = source_sheet.Cells(source_sheet.Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).Row

oppVal = Sheets("Diagram").Range("W11").Value

For source_row = starting_row To last_row
    Opp = "Opportunity"
    'source_sheet.Cells(source_row, col).Value

    Set destination_sheet = Nothing
    On Error Resume Next
    Set destination_sheet = Worksheets(Opp)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If destination_sheet Is Nothing Then
        Set destination_sheet = Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
        destination_sheet.Name = Opp
        source_sheet.Rows(header_row).Copy Destination:=destination_sheet.Rows(header_row)
    End If
    destination_row = destination_sheet.Cells(destination_sheet.Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).Row + 1

    If source_sheet.Range("A" & source_row).Value = oppVal Then
        source_sheet.Rows(source_row).Copy Destination:=destination_sheet.Rows(destination_row)
    End If
Next source_row

End Sub

You would notice that: 1. the user specified value is being read in oppVal variable. 您会注意到:1.在oppVal变量中正在读取用户指定的值。 2. the destination sheet name is always "Opportunity" 3. the code checks if the value in column A is equal to oppVal and then copies it over to destination sheet. 2.目标工作表名称始终为“ Opportunity”。3.代码检查A列中的值是否等于oppVal ,然后将其复制到目标工作表中。

The code gets the job done, however, some enhancements you may do: 1. Clear the data in destination sheet before each run 2. use filters to select the rows instead of loop and then copy-paste the selected rows. 代码可以完成工作,但是,您可以做一些增强:1.每次运行前清除目标表中的数据2.使用过滤器选择行而不是循环,然后复制粘贴选定的行。

If you already have a worksheet "Opportunity", the code below will clear that worksheet, then use the value from W11 on the Diagram worksheet to filter Column A of the Data worksheet and copy the range in one go, instead of row by row: 如果您已有工作表“机会”,则下面的代码将清除该工作表,然后使用“图表”工作表上W11中的值来过滤“数据”工作表的A列并一次复制该范围,而不是逐行复制该范围:

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim wsSource As Worksheet: Set wsSource = Workbooks("CobhamMappingTool").Worksheets("Data")
Dim wsDiagram As Worksheet: Set wsDiagram = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Diagram")
Dim wsDestination As Worksheet: Set wsDestination = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Opportunity")
'declare and set worksheets
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim FoundVal As Variant

'clear the contents of workhsheet "Opportunity"
LastRow = wsSource.Cells(wsSource.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'get the last row with data on the data worksheet

Set FoundVal = wsSource.Range("A:A").Find(What:=wsDiagram.Range("W11"), Lookat:=xlWhole)
'check if value exists in Column A
    If Not FoundVal Is Nothing Then
    'if it does exist, then
        wsSource.Range("$A$1:$D$" & LastRow).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=wsDiagram.Range("W11")
        'filter column A with the desired value
        wsSource.Range("A1:D" & LastRow).Copy Destination:=wsDestination.Range("A1")
        'copy the range into the Opportunity worksheet.
        wsSource.Range("$A$1:$D$" & LastRow).AutoFilter
        'remove autofilter
    End If
End Sub

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