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python paho-mqtt-不接收mqtt消息

[英]python paho-mqtt - Not receiving mqtt messages

I am developing a python app that should receive mqtt messages. 我正在开发应该接收mqtt消息的python应用程序。 I'm using paho-mqtt library. 我正在使用paho-mqtt库。

After setting the username/password and the callback function on_message , I subscribe to the topic and make the connection to the broker. 设置用户名/密码和回调函数on_message ,我订阅该主题并建立与代理的连接。 Then I start the loop_forever() . 然后我启动loop_forever()

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

MQTT_TOPIC = "my_topic"
BROKER_ENDPOINT = "my_broker_url"
BROKER_PORT = my_port
BROKER_USERNAME = "my_username"
BROKER_PASSWORD = "my_password"

mqtt_client = mqtt.Client()

def on_message(client, userdata, message):
   print("Message Recieved from broker: " + message.payload)

def main():
    mqtt_client.username_pw_set(username=BROKER_USERNAME, password=BROKER_PASSWORD)
    mqtt_client.on_message = on_message
    mqtt_client.connect(BROKER_ENDPOINT, BROKER_PORT)

if __name__ == '__main__':

I'm testing this code with the mosquitto_pub command: 我正在使用mosquitto_pub命令测试此代码:

mosquitto_pub -h my_broker_url -p my_port -u my_username -P my_password -t 'my_topic' -m "Hello World"

But I cannot see any messages received by my application. 但是我看不到我的应用程序收到的任何消息。

What am i doing wrong ? 我究竟做错了什么 ? Thanks for helping 感谢您的帮助

I finally found the error: 我终于找到了错误:

def on_message(client, userdata, message):
   print("Message Recieved from broker: " + message.payload.decode())

.decode() was missing .decode()丢失

Messages are received correctly now 现在已正确接收消息

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