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[英]Vue returning data objects from axios call to controller

I'm using vue in laravel and trying to get a controller function that I'm hitting to return the data so that I can use it in the data() section of my vue template. 我在laravel中使用vue,并尝试获取要返回的数据的控制器函数,以便可以在vue模板的data()部分中使用它。

I know the controller function returns what I need, but I'm not so sure how I need to handle the return/response in the axios call in order to start placing the data into the data() function in vue 我知道控制器函数返回了我需要的东西,但是我不确定如何在axios调用中处理返回/响应才能开始将数据放入vue中的data()函数中。

Blade/Vue template 刀片/ Vue模板

import moment from 'moment'
export default {
    name: 'calendar',
    data () {
        return {
            events: [
                    title: 'test',
                    allDay: true,
                    start: '2019-08-17',
            config: {
                defaultView: 'month',
                eventRender: function(event, element) {
    created() {
    methods: {
      fetchTasks() {
        axios.get('/landing/tasks' )
            .then((response) => {
                // handle success
                this.assetOptions = response.data;
            .catch(function (error) {
                // handle error
            .finally(function () {


Route 路线

Route::get('/landing/tasks', 'landingController@getTasks')

Controller 调节器

public function getTasks()
    $getTask = Task::getTaskForLanding();

    $result = array();
    foreach($getTask as $id => $task){
        $result[$task->taskt_id][] = $task;

If you are certain that the Controller returns what you need, the only thing you are missing is declaration of assetOptions . 如果您确定Controller返回了您所需要的内容,那么唯一缺少的就是assetOptions声明的assetOptions To be able to assign response.data to assetOptions later on, you have to declare it in the data function first. 为了稍后能够将response.data分配给assetOptions ,您必须首先在data函数中对其进行声明。

data() {
    return {
    assetOptions = []; // assuming you are expecting an array

Once that is done, you are all set. 一旦完成,就一切就绪。

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