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[英]Embedding Keen Dashboard to Web Applications

I have created a dashboard in Keen and I want to use the same dashboard in my web application. 我已经在Keen中创建了一个仪表板,我想在Web应用程序中使用相同的仪表板。 Is there any way a complete dashboard can be embedded in another application? 有什么办法可以将完整的仪表板嵌入到另一个应用程序中?

Iframe won't work due to crossorigin restriction. 由于跨域限制,iframe无法正常工作。 Using javascript to create widgets of a dashboard is a solution but I wanted to skip the coding part of it. 使用javascript创建仪表板的小部件是一种解决方案,但我想跳过其中的编码部分。 Reason for this is because if my client wants to update the dashboard then he can do so by simply updating it on keen and new build should not be required for such thing. 这样做的原因是因为如果我的客户想要更新仪表板,那么他可以只通过敏锐地更新仪表板就可以这样做,并且不需要这种新的构建。

I work at Keen and you're correct that the iframe won't work, because of the security changes introduced to the browsers to stop clickjacking attacks. 我在Keen工作,您正确地认为iframe无法使用,因为为防止点击劫持攻击而对浏览器进行了安全性更改。

In the first iteration of “embed html” we used a static version of the properties used to store your json (which contains info about the charts to render and the names of saved queries to use). 在“嵌入html”的第一版中,我们使用了用于存储json的属性的静态版本(其中包含有关要呈现的图表和要使用的已保存查询的名称的信息)。

We're working on deploying the updated version of the dashboard-viewer - which supports dynamic loading of the current state of the dashboard. 我们正在努力部署仪表盘查看器的更新版本-它支持动态加载仪表盘当前状态。 This should solve the issue you're referencing. 这应该可以解决您所引用的问题。 If you would like to submit a ticket on our website would could provide a time as it get's closer to launch. 如果您想在我们的网站上提交票证,将有一段时间等待发布。 Just reference this url. 只需引用此URL。

https://responsivedesign.is/articles/xframe-options/ https://responsivedesign.is/articles/xframe-options/

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options

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