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[英]Getting wrong size when calculating tuple size using variadic templates

I am trying to write my own implementation of the tuple_size function before looking how it is implemented in C++ library. 在查看如何在C ++库中实现它之前,我尝试编写自己的tuple_size函数实现。 The problem that I am getting right now is that I am getting wrong answer (1) and I do not see any preconditions for that. 我现在遇到的问题是答案(1)错误,并且看不到任何先决条件。 Appreciate any help. 感谢任何帮助。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
namespace tuple_helpers
    template <typename... Args>
    struct _tuple_size;

    template<typename T, typename... Args>
    class _tuple_size<T, Args...>
        constexpr static size_t __size()
            return _tuple_size<Args...>::__size() + 1;

    class _tuple_size<>
        constexpr static size_t __size()
            return 0;

    template<typename T>
    class tuple_size
        enum { value = _tuple_size<T>::__size() };

int main()
    using MyTuple = tuple<int, string, bool, double>;
    cout << "Size of the tuple is: " << tuple_helpers::tuple_size<MyTuple>::value;

    return 0;

_tuple_size<ARGS>::__size() is like sizeof...(ARGS) . _tuple_size<ARGS>::__size()就像sizeof...(ARGS) Since you only pass one template parameter, this will always be 1. 由于您仅传递一个模板参数,因此该参数始终为1。

You need to actually use the template parameters of the template: 您需要实际使用模板的模板参数:

template<typename T>
class tuple_size;

template<typename... Args>
class tuple_size<std::tuple<Args...>> {
    enum { value = _tuple_size<Args...>::__size() };

// Or to work with any tuple-like classes
template<typename... Args, template<typename...> class Tuple>
class tuple_size<Tuple<Args...>> {
    enum { value = _tuple_size<Args...>::__size() };

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