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我如何使用 xgettext 在 JS 中调用 xgettext 程序?

[英]how do i use xgettext to invoking the xgettext Program in JS?

how do i use xgettext to invoking the xgettext Program in window10?我如何使用 xgettext 在 window10 中调用 xgettext 程序?

i tried this code:xgettext --language=JavaScript --from-code=utf-8 --keyword=gettext --sort-output --join-existing --no-wrap -f videobanner.js -d snapmaker -o output.po .我试过这个代码:xgettext --language=JavaScript --from-code=utf-8 --keyword=gettext --sort-output --join-existing --no-wrap -f videobanner.js -d snapmaker -o输出.po i don't work!我不工作!

export default {
    bannerH1Text: gettext("Snapmaker 3-in-1 3D Printer"),
    bannerH1Text: gettext("Turn your desktop into a workshop."),
    bannerButText: ettext("Play Video"),

error message: no matter what the videobanner.js remain , it turns out : xgettext: error while opening "export default {" for reading: No such file or directory错误信息:无论 videobanner.js 保留什么,结果都是:xgettext: error while opening "export default {" for reading: No such file or directory

-f, --files-from=FILE -f, --files-from=FILE
get list of input files from FILE从 FILE 获取输入文件列表

If you use -f , that file is supposed to contain a list of file names that xgettext should work on.如果您使用-f ,则该文件应该包含 xgettext 应该处理的文件名列表。 Instead of that, just pass your file as a plain argument:取而代之的是,只需将您的文件作为普通参数传递:

xgettext ... videobanners.js

No -f !没有-f

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