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[英]Kubernetes - Get EBS Volume of a Pod

Using kubectl , how would I go about identifying what volume a specific pod resides on? 使用kubectl ,我将如何确定特定Pod驻留在哪个卷上?

I tried kubectl describe pod [podname] and I can get the Node that its on but I'm not able to find anything regarding the EBS volume. 我尝试用kubectl describe pod [podname] ,我可以得到它所在的Node,但是我找不到关于EBS量的任何信息。

When you do kubectl describe pod [podname] you will get the node where your pod is sitting. 当您执行kubectl describe pod [podname]您将获得pod所在的节点。 In output the node you will get in attribute Node: ip-192-168-0-219.us-east-2.compute.internal/ . 在输出节点中,您将获得属性Node: ip-192-168-0-219.us-east-2.compute.internal/ But you have to copy only ip-192-168-0-219.us-east-2.compute.internal this part. 但是您仅需复制此部分的ip-192-168-0-219.us-east-2.compute.internal After that just describe that node using kubectl describe node [node_id] . 之后,只需使用kubectl describe node [node_id]描述该节点, kubectl describe node [node_id] You will get the EBS volume of pod. 您将获得pod的EBS量。

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