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动态启用/禁用kendo ui控件

[英]Enable/disable kendo ui control dynamically

I want to enable/disable a kendo combobox based on the user's selection from a checkbox, which I am storing in a variable. 我想基于用户从复选框中选择的选项启用/禁用剑道组合框,该复选框存储在变量中。

I already tried setting the variable to the enable property, but this is useful only when the control is being built-in. 我已经尝试将变量设置为enable属性,但这仅在内置控件时才有用。

Does anybody know If I can do this while creating the control? 有人知道我在创建控件时是否可以这样做吗?

<div id="fund" class="col-xs-3">
 input class="required" data-bind="title: $parent.selectedFund, 
  kendoComboBox: {
   placeholder: 'Start typing to search...',
   value: $parent.test,
   widget: $parent.searchSource,
   dataTextField: 'managerName',
   dataValueField: 'managerId',
   filter: 'contains',
   autoBind: false,
   minLength: 3,
   enable: overrideGlobalMapping, //this does not work for me even though the variable holds the correct value
   change: function(){ if(this.value() && this.selectedIndex == -1) 
    setTimeout(function () {$parent.selectedManagerId(null);}, 100);}},
    dataSource: {
    serverFiltering: true,
    transport: {
    read: $parent.retrieveManager
 }" />

I ended up wrapping the kendo combox definition in a function, so it now looks likes this: 我最终将kendo combox定义包装在一个函数中,所以现在看起来像这样:

<input type="checkbox" id="overrideGlobalMappingCheck" onclick="SetFundsCombobox()" data-bind="checked: overrideGlobalMapping, enable: $root.canConfirmMapping" />

The kendo combobox is still wrapped and has an id, which I later use to manipulate it in javascript: kendo组合框仍被包装并具有一个id,我以后用它在javascript中对其进行操作:

<div class="col-xs-3" id="funds">
    <input class="required" data-bind="title: $parent.selectedFund, 
        kendoComboBox: {
            placeholder: 'Start typing to search...',
            value: $parent.selectedManagerId,
    }" />

And this is the JavaScript function bound to the onclick checkbox's event: 这是绑定到onclick复选框事件的JavaScript函数:

function SetFundsCombobox() {
    var fundsDiv = document.getElementById('funds');
    var inputSelector = fundsDiv.getElementsByClassName('k-input');
    var span = fundsDiv.getElementsByTagName('span');

    if (document.getElementById('overrideGlobalMappingCheck').checked) {
        document.getElementById('funds').disabled = false;
        inputSelector[0].disabled = false;
    } else {
        document.getElementById('funds').disabled = true;
        inputSelector[0].disabled = true;

I'd have rather preferred to perform this via the view model, but it works for now. 我本来希望通过视图模型执行此操作,但是它现在可以使用。

EDIT: 编辑:

I've been able to do this the right way (following the MVVM pattern), so now rather than wrapping the kendo combo box in a function, I added the following function in the view model: 我已经能够以正确的方式执行此操作(遵循MVVM模式),因此,现在,不是将kendo组合框包装在一个函数中,而是在视图模型中添加了以下函数:

$scope.overrideGlobalMappingChecker = ko.computed(function () {
    if ($scope.entityMapping()) {
        var checkboxChecked = $scope.entityMapping().overrideGlobalMapping();
        $("#funds .k-input").prop('disabled', !checkboxChecked);
        if (!checkboxChecked) {

So now, what the html only needs is the definition of the id in the div containing the combo box: 因此,现在,HTML仅需要的是包含组合框的div中id的定义:

<div class="col-xs-3" id="funds">
    <input data-bind="title: $parent.selectedFundName, kendoComboBox: {
    autoBind: false,
    }" />

And that's it, it's a much cleaner/correct way to handle this. 就是这样,这是一种更清洁/正确的方式来处理此问题。

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