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如何在 Rails 中构造 form_for 可以创建belongs_to 和 has_many 关联

[英]How to construct form_for in Rails that can create both belongs_to and has_many association

I have a has_many and belongs_to association in my Rails app.我的 Rails 应用中有has_many and belongs_to关联。 An OfficeAddress belongs_to Address , so my problem right now is how to build it on the form.一个OfficeAddress Address ,所以我现在的问题是如何在表单上构建它。 When I create a new office address, to associate it into my address, the address should be created already.当我创建一个新的办公地址时,要将其关联到我的地址,该地址应该已经创建。 On my office_address_controller I have this.在我的office_address_controller我有这个。

class OfficeAddressesController < ResourceController
      def index
        @office_address = Spree::OfficeAddress.all

      def new
        new_address = Spree::Address.new
        @new_office_address = new_address.office_address.build

      def create
        p params


and on my office address new.html.erb is currently empty because I can't find any documentation on how to build a form.在我的办公室地址new.html.erb目前是空的,因为我找不到任何关于如何构建表单的文档。 I'd be interested in examples or documentation.我会对示例或文档感兴趣。 Also the controller build confuses me.控制器build也让我感到困惑。 It didn't throw any error I was expecting error as new_address doesn't have any Id yet.它没有抛出任何我期望的错误,因为new_address还没有任何 Id。

So I don't know if this is the right answer but this works for me.所以我不知道这是否是正确的答案,但这对我有用。 So here's my code.所以这是我的代码。


def new
     @new_office_address = Spree::OfficeAddress.new

def create
     b = Spree::Address.create(permit_params_address)
     c = Spree::OfficeAddress.create(address_id: b.id)
     if b.save && c.save
        redirect_to admin_office_addresses_path
        p b.errors.messages

View, new.html.erb查看,new.html.erb

<%= form_for [:admin, @new_office_address], html: { autocomplete: "off" } do |ofc_add_form| %>
          <fieldset data-hook="new_property">
            <div class="row">
              <div class="col-md-12">
                <%= fields_for :address, Spree::Address.default  do |adds|%>
                  <%= render :partial => 'spree/admin/shared/address_form', :locals => { :f => adds, :type => "New Office Address" } %>

            <div class="form-actions">
              <%= render partial: 'spree/admin/shared/new_resource_links' %>
        <% end %>

I was doing the right thing at first but I forgot to Spree::Address.default on fields_for I don't really know what it does but on the rails syntax, it accepts an object.一开始我是在做正确的事情,但我忘了在fields_forfields_for Spree::Address.defaultfields_for我真的不知道它是做什么的,但在 Rails 语法上,它接受一个对象。

on my controller new method, after creating the address, to relate them with each other (OfficeAdddress) I just grab the Id from the address that was created and add it on my office address.在我的控制器new方法上,创建地址后,将它们相互关联 (OfficeAdddress) 我只需从创建的地址中获取 Id 并将其添加到我的办公室地址中。 I'm not sure this is the best way to solve the problem.我不确定这是解决问题的最佳方法。 I'm open for changes.我愿意接受改变。 I'm also adding more validation on my new method我还在我的新方法上添加更多验证

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