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[英]Update status in database using checkbox - Laravel

The project can have different statuses. 该项目可以具有不同的状态。 With the checkbox, I am trying to switch the status of the project from requested (1) to accepted (2). 选中该复选框,我试图将项目的状态从已请求(1)切换为已接受(2)。 If the checkbox is unchecked the status is 1, checked it's 2. 如果未选中此复选框,则状态为1,选中状态为2。

When I check the checkbox I got a 419 but this is normally related to the token but I added a @csfr field. 当我选中复选框时,我得到了419,但这通常与令牌有关,但是我添加了@csfr字段。 Why is the status not changed in the database? 为什么状态在数据库中未更改? Thanks for any help. 谢谢你的帮助。

index.blade.php (summary of all the projects) index.blade.php(所有项目的摘要)

 @foreach ($projects as $project)

                <form action="/projects/plan" method="post" id="statusForm">
                    <input name="id" type="hidden" value="{{$project->id}}">
                        <input type="hidden" value="{{$project->status}}" name="status"> 
                        <input {{isset($project['status']) && $project['status'] == '2' ? 'checked' : ''}} 
                                value="{{$project->status}}" type="checkbox" name="status" 
                <td><a href="/events/{{$projects->id}}/edit" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" role="button">Project Details</a></td>


Project.php (functions to update status) Project.php(用于更新状态的函数)

    const STATUS_requested  = 1;
    const STATUS_ACCEPTED   = 2;

    public function updateStatus( $status )
            'status'    => $status
        return $this;

    public function projectAccept()   { 

        return $this->updateStatus( self::STATUS_ACCEPTED );   


ProjectsController.php (dd('hello') is not printed it seems like data is not sent to this resource) ProjectsController.php(未打印dd('hello'),似乎没有将数据发送到此资源)

    public function plan(Request $request)
        return Project::STATUS_ACCEPTED;

web.php web.php

// Update status project
Route::post('/projects/plan',                 'ProjectsController@plan');

First, you cant select by ID document.getElementById('statusForm').submit() when you have multiple DOMS with the same ID. 首先,如果您有多个具有相同ID的DOMS,则无法按ID document.getElementById('statusForm').submit()进行选择。

change your loop to something like this 改变你的循环像这样

@foreach ($projects as $project)
                 <form action="/projects/plan" method="post" id="statusForm{{$project->id}}">
                 <input name="id" type="hidden" value="{{$project->id}}">
                 <input {{isset($project['status']) && $project['status'] == '2' ? 'checked' : ''}} 
                     value="2" type="checkbox" name="status" 
            <td><a href="/events/{{$projects->id}}/edit" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" role="button">Project Details</a></td>


Now, a checkbox will only be sent in a form when it is checked, so no need for a variable value for that input 现在,复选框仅在选中时才以表格形式发送,因此该输入不需要变量值

<input {{isset($project['status']) && $project['status'] == '2' ? 'checked' : ''}} 
    value="2" type="checkbox" name="status" 

Finally, when you recover the input status , set a default value for the unchecked one (you can remove the hidden input with this one). 最后,当您恢复输入status ,请为未选中的输入设置默认值(您可以使用此输入删除隐藏的输入)。 Or as you did, set a hidden input with the original value to be sent every time. 或者像您所做的那样,设置一个隐藏的输入,将其与每次发送的原始值一起发送。 Both solution are perfect. 两种解决方案都是完美的。

public function plan(Request $request)
    $status = $request->input('status', Project::STATUS_requested);
    return Project::STATUS_ACCEPTED;

That way if it is checked it will be 2 (in the request) and if not, it will be 1 from the default value. 这样,如果选中它,它将是2(在请求中),否则,默认值将是1。

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