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[英]static_cast on class with conversion operator

I have just come across this behaviour and I am having a hard time understanding why this wouldn't work. 我刚刚遇到这种行为,我很难理解为什么这不起作用。

enum class TestEnum

class MyClass
    operator TestEnum()
       return m_enum;
    TestEnum m_enum = TestEnum::Foo;

MyClass theClass;
int enumValue = static_cast< int >( theClass );  // does not work, conversion operator not called

int enumValue = static_cast< int >( static_cast< TestEnum >( theClass ) ) // works as expected

I understand the compiler only allows 1 implicit conversion and here I think there is only one implicit conversion from MyClass to TestEnum and then an explicit conversion. 我理解编译器只允许1个隐式转换,在这里我认为只有一个从MyClass到TestEnum的隐式转换然后是显式转换。

It is true that one implicit conversion is allowed. 确实允许一个隐式转换。 However: 然而:

static_cast< int >( theClass )

This is a conversion of some non- int class type to int . 这是一些非int类类型转换为int This is not a conversion to some unspecified type first, and only then a conversion to int . 这不是先转换为某些未指定的类型,而只是转换为int This is one conversion. 这是一次转换。

Therefore, if there is one implicit conversion to int , then this is allowed. 因此,如果有一个隐式转换为int ,则允许这样做。 But there isn't a single implicit conversion to int that's available here. 但是这里没有一个隐式转换为int


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