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[英]Masking Sub-domain with primary domain

I'm not sure if this possible but here goes.我不确定这是否可能,但在这里。

So I have a bunch of sites which accessed via different sub domains.所以我有一堆通过不同子域访问的站点。 Each sub domain is created to serve Geo-located users.创建每个子域是为了为地理定位用户提供服务。 However, we do not want to the sub domains to be customer facing as they are not desirable and we believe all customers should access from the same one url point.但是,我们不希望子域面向客户,因为它们是不可取的,我们相信所有客户都应该从同一个 url 点访问。

Therefore we desire that all traffic is ran through and masked by the primary either through an htaccess or a web app.因此,我们希望所有流量都通过 htaccess 或 Web 应用程序运行并被主服务器屏蔽。 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.任何建议将不胜感激。

Since you placed the tag Shopify in your answer, the short answer there is, Shopify already geo-locates your customers to the fastest server for their location.由于您将标签Shopify 放在您的答案中,简短的答案是,Shopify 已经将您的客户地理定位到他们所在位置的最快服务器。 You cannot do that yourself, or, in other words, they probably do it better than you could anyway.你自己不能这样做,或者换句话说,他们可能比你做得更好。

If you don't mean Shopify, then your question is one of DNS and co-location of server boxes around the world, a topic pretty heavy for one answer here.如果您的意思不是 Shopify,那么您的问题是 DNS 和世界各地服务器盒的共同定位之一,对于这里的一个答案来说,这是一个非常沉重的话题。

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