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[英]batch multiline powershell command

I am trying to parse appsettings.json file to extract the connection string using a batch script.我正在尝试解析 appsettings.json 文件以使用批处理脚本提取连接字符串。

I am spreading the command on multiple lines as it is quite long and hard to maintain:我在多行上传播命令,因为它很长且难以维护:

set ps_GetConnectionString=(Get-Content 'appsettings.json' -Raw)^
 | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '(?ms)/\*.*?\*/' -replace '[\s\t]+//.*' }^
 | ConvertFrom-Json^ 
 | Select -expand ConnectionStrings | Select default^ 
 | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ~

When I run this, I get an error: 'ForEach-Object' is not recognized as an internal or external command .运行此命令时,出现错误: 'ForEach-Object' is not recognized as an internal or external command

How do we properly break this command into multiple lines, store in a variable in order to make the powershell -command call much shorter?我们如何正确地将这个命令分成多行,存储在一个变量中,以便使powershell -command调用更短?

@LotPings hinted to the solution which was to escape everything that batch can trip on. @LotPings 暗示了解决方案,即逃避批处理可能绊倒的一切。

So I end up with the following:所以我最终得到以下结果:

set ps_GetConnectionString=(Get-Content 'appsettings.json' -Raw)^
 ^| ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '(?ms)/\*.*?\*/' -replace '[\s\t]+//.*' }^
 ^| ConvertFrom-Json^ 
 ^| Select -expand ConnectionStrings ^| Select default^ 
 ^| ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ~

In some situations, I also had to escape the parenthesis (especially inside a block)在某些情况下,我还必须转义括号(尤其是在块内)

set ps_GetConnectionString=^(Get-Content 'appsettings.json' -Raw^)^
 ^| ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '(?ms)/\*.*?\*/' -replace '[\s\t]+//.*' }^
 ^| ConvertFrom-Json^ 
 ^| Select -expand ConnectionStrings ^| Select default^ 
 ^| ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter ~

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