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[英]How can create next and previous button's to select questions in a quiz using an array to store the questions which are objects?

 //Constructor for all of the questions //A function to check if the question is correct class Question { constructor(question, ansA, ansB, ansC, ansD, answer) { this.question = question; this.ansA = ansA; this.ansB = ansB; this.ansC = ansC; this.ansD = ansD; this.answer = answer; } checkAns(ansSelected, answer){ if(ansSelected === answer){ console.log('Well Done') } } }; //The questions themselves var questionOne = new Question('Where is Creete?', 'Barcalona', 'Greece', 'Dubi', 'Ireland', 'Greece'); var questionTwo = new Question('How many times have Liverppool won the Champions Legue?', '1', '4', '6', '5', '6',); //Array to store the questions const arrayQuestion = [questionOne, questionTwo]; const i = 0; //Displaying the questions in HTML document.getElementById('question').innerHTML += arrayQuestion[i].question; document.getElementById('A').innerHTML += arrayQuestion[i].ansA; document.getElementById('B').innerHTML += arrayQuestion[i].ansB; document.getElementById('C').innerHTML += arrayQuestion[i].ansC; document.getElementById('D').innerHTML += arrayQuestion[i].ansD;
 html { box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: 200; } *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; } button{ background: blue; padding: 1.2em; margin: 1.2em; }
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=""> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form> <h2 id="question"></h2> <button id="A" class="userSelection"></button> <button id="B" class="userSelection"></button> <button id="C" class="userSelection"></button> <button id="D" class="userSelection"></button> <button id="p" class="userSelection">P</button> <button id="n" class="userSelection">N</button> </form> </body> <script src = js/app.js></script> </html>

So I am making a quiz and every questions is a separate object made from a constructor.所以我在做一个测验,每个问题都是一个由构造函数创建的单独对象。

The questions are stored in a array.问题存储在一个数组中。

I would like to create a next and previous button, so the user can cycle through the questions dynamically.我想创建一个下一个和上一个按钮,以便用户可以动态地循环浏览问题。

So I have tried using the onClick() I though if I just incremented the i variable it would display the next question.所以我尝试使用 onClick() 我虽然如果我只是增加 i 变量它会显示下一个问题。

n.addEventListener("click", next);

function next (){

There was no error above the questions did not change/would not appear (This was because I had not declared the variable i yet.上面没有错误,问题没有改变/不会出现(这是因为我还没有声明变量 i 。

The HTML should just switch to display the next question in the Array. HTML 应该只是切换到显示数组中的下一个问题。

so what I think you can do is, in your next and prev method you have to also update html with new values after you increment i so it should looks something like所以我认为你可以做的是,在你的nextprev方法中,你还必须在增加i后用新值更新 html 所以它应该看起来像

function next (){

function prev (){

function renderHTMLwithNewValues(i){

document.getElementById('question').innerHTML = arrayQuestion[i].question;
document.getElementById('A').innerHTML = arrayQuestion[i].ansA;
document.getElementById('B').innerHTML = arrayQuestion[i].ansB;
document.getElementById('C').innerHTML = arrayQuestion[i].ansC;
document.getElementById('D').innerHTML = arrayQuestion[i].ansD;

to make sure new values are rendered each time you click button确保每次单击按钮时都会呈现新值


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