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[英]Dialog not closing react native

I am using the React native popup dialog package. 我正在使用React本机弹出对话框包。 I'm trying to close the dialog onPress and then navigate away from the screen. 我正在尝试关闭onPress对话框,然后离开屏幕。 The navigation is happening, but the dialog remains open. 正在进行导航,但是对话框保持打开状态。 And a warning Can't perform a react state update on an unmounted component is shown. 并显示警告“ Can't perform a react state update on an unmounted component

    dialogStyle = {{textAlign:'center'}}
    height = {150}
    dialogAnimation={new SlideAnimation({
    slideFrom: 'bottom',
      title = {"Information"}
      textStyle = {{textAlign:'center',fontFamily:'raleway-regular',color:'#4abce3'}}
      <DialogContent style = {{justifyContent:'center',alignContent:'center'}}>
          title = "Okay!"
          onPress = {()=>{ this.navigate() }}
          type = "outline"
          buttonStyle = {styles.dialogButton}
          titleStyle = {styles.choiceButtonTitle}

The navigate() function navigate()函数

    navigate = () => {
      const { navigation } = this.props;

setState is async , which does not block the execution. setStateasync ,不会阻止执行。 When setState gets called next line executes ( setState is yet to complete) and you got navigated to Home . 调用setState将执行下一行( setState尚未完成),并且您已导航到Home

You can you callback in setState for navigation. 您可以在setState回调以进行导航。

navigate = () => {
      const { navigation } = this.props;
      this.setState({dialogVisible:false}, () => navigation.navigate('Home')) 

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