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[英].htaccess rewrite everything to index.php except scripts in a specific folder

I have two publicly accessible folders: 我有两个可公开访问的文件夹:


Now I want redirect all requests to /public/index.php except those that start with /legacy: 现在,我希望将所有请求重定向到/public/index.php,但以/ legacy开头的请求除外:

/users --> /public/index.php
/legacy/somescript.php --> /legacy/somescript.php

currently I only have the following .htaccess files: 目前,我只有以下.htaccess文件:

/: /:

Order deny,allow
Deny from all

/public and /legacy: / public和/ legacy:

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

You could try this mod_rewrite rule 您可以尝试使用此mod_rewrite规则

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(legacy/.*)$
RewriteRule . /public/index.php [L]

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