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React Native 0.60.3 babel-plugin-transform-remove-console 不起作用

[英]React Native 0.60.3 babel-plugin-transform-remove-console not working

I am trying to remove console.log outputs from my react-native application's output, but when I run我正在尝试从我的 react-native 应用程序的输出中删除 console.log 输出,但是当我运行时

ENVFILE=.env.production react-native run-android --variant=release ENVFILE=.env.production react-native run-android --variant=release


adb logcat亚行日志猫

I still see my app's data being logged to the console.我仍然看到我的应用程序的数据被记录到控制台。

I used the following documentation: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/performance.html#using-consolelog-statements .我使用了以下文档: https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/performance.html#using-consolelog-statements

Here is my .babelrc file:这是我的 .babelrc 文件:

  "presets": ["react-native"],
  "env": {
    "production": {
      "plugins": ["transform-remove-console"]

What am I missing ?我错过了什么? Im on react-native 0.60.3 and using "babel-plugin-transform-remove-console": "^6.9.4",我在 react-native 0.60.3 上使用 "babel-plugin-transform-remove-console": "^6.9.4",

I have "@babel/core": "^7.5.5" and "react-native": "^0.60.5"我有"@babel/core": "^7.5.5""react-native": "^0.60.5"
The approach descibed in React Native Documentation was not working for me. React Native 文档中描述的方法对我不起作用。

After many try and error and exploring issues on GitHub I got it working :经过多次尝试和错误并在 GitHub 上探索问题后,我得到了它的工作:

In babel.config.js add this -babel.config.js添加这个 -

module.exports = api => {
  const babelEnv = api.env();
  const plugins = [];
  //change to 'production' to check if this is working in 'development' mode
  if (babelEnv !== 'development') {
    plugins.push(['transform-remove-console', {exclude: ['error', 'warn']}]);
  return {
    presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],

To see changes run using npm start -- --reset-cache要查看使用npm start -- --reset-cache运行的更改

More Info at更多信息在

Using babel.config.js instead of .babelrc , it seems that process.env.BABEL_ENV is used to determine whether to include configs listed under env.production .使用babel.config.js而不是.babelrc ,似乎process.env.BABEL_ENV用于确定是否包含env.production配置。 However, process.env.BABEL_ENV is set to undefined during build.但是, process.env.BABEL_ENV在构建期间设置为undefined

To get around this, I'm returning a different object depending on if process.env.BABEL_ENV OR process.env.NODE_ENV indicate production build.为了解决这个问题,我根据process.env.BABEL_ENV OR process.env.NODE_ENV指示生产版本返回一个不同的对象。


module.exports = function(api) {
  api.cache(true); // necessary
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' || process.env.BABEL_ENV === 'production') {
    return {
      "presets": ["module:metro-react-native-babel-preset"],
      "plugins": ["react-native-paper/babel", "transform-remove-console"]
  } else {
    return {
      "presets": ["module:metro-react-native-babel-preset"],

install babel-plugin-transform-remove-console安装babel-plugin-transform-remove-console

yarn add babel-plugin-transform-remove-console -D

then add follow code in babel.config.js like this然后在babel.config.js 中添加如下代码

module.exports = function (api) {
  const babelEnv = api.env();
  const plugins = [
  if (babelEnv === 'production') {
    plugins.push(['transform-remove-console', {exclude: ['error', 'warn']}]);
  return {
    presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],

then run this command然后运行这个命令

yarn start --reset-cache 


this will remove console.log in the production build.这将删除生产版本中的 console.log。 if you wanna a test in development you can pass development instead of production如果你想在开发中进行测试,你可以通过开发而不是生产

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