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[英]Efficiently Compacting a List of Tuples to a Dictionary of Lists in Python?


I am interested in finding a more efficient ( code complexity, speed, memory usage, comprehensions, generators ) method of reducing a list of two element tuples, where the first element may be duplicated between the elements, to a dictionary of lists. 我感兴趣的是找到一种更有效的方法( 代码复杂性,速度,内存使用,理解,生成器 ),以减少两个元素元组的列表,其中第一个元素可以在元素之间重复,从而简化为列表字典。

from copy import deepcopy
a = [('a', 'cat'), ('a', 'dog'), ('b', 'pony'), ('c', 'hippo'), ('c','horse'), ('d', 'cow')]

b = {x[0]: list() for x in a}

c = deepcopy(b)
for key, value in b.items():
    for item in a:
        if key == item[0]:

[('a', 'cat'), ('a', 'dog'), ('b', 'pony'), ('c', 'hippo'), ('c', 'horse'), ('d', 'cow')] [('a','cat'),('a','dog'),('b','pony'),('c','hippo'),('c','horse') ,('d','cow')]

{'a': ['cat', 'dog'], 'b': ['pony'], 'c': ['hippo', 'horse'], 'd': ['cow']} {'a':['cat','dog'],'b':['pony'],'c':['hippo','horse'],'d':['cow']}

Answer Testing 答案测试

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
import timeit

timings = dict()

def wrap(func, *args, **kwargs):
    def wrapped():
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

a = [('a', 'cat'), ('a', 'dog'), ('b', 'pony'), ('c', 'hippo'), ('c','horse'), ('d', 'cow')]

# yatu's solution
def yatu(x):
    output = defaultdict(list)
    for item in x:
    return output

# roseman's solution
def roseman(x):
    d = defaultdict(list)
    for key, value in a:
    return d

# prem's solution
def prem(a):
    result = {k: [v for _,v in grp] for k,grp in groupby(a, itemgetter(0))}
    return result

# timings
yatus_wrapped = wrap(yatu, a)
rosemans_wrapped = wrap(roseman, a)
prems_wrapped = wrap(prem, a)
timings['yatus'] = timeit.timeit(yatus_wrapped, number=100000)
timings['rosemans'] = timeit.timeit(rosemans_wrapped, number=100000)
timings['prems'] = timeit.timeit(prems_wrapped, number=100000)

# output results

{'yatus': 0.171220442, 'rosemans': 0.153767728, 'prems': 0.22808025399999993} {'yatus':0.171220442,'rosemans':0.153767728,'prems':0.22808025399999993}

Roseman's solution is marginally the fastest, thank you. 罗斯曼的解决方案几乎是最快的,谢谢。

This can be done with a single loop using a defaultdict: 这可以通过使用defaultdict的单个循环来完成:

from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(list)
for key, value in a:

You could use defaultdict : 您可以使用defaultdict

from collections import defaultdict
a = [('a', 'cat'), ('a', 'dog'), ('b', 'pony'), ('c', 'hippo'), ('c','horse'), ('d', 'cow')]

output = defaultdict(list)

for item in a:

This approach will need less space (only a and output ) and have a better runtime (linear runtime complexity as it's iterating over a once and adding each element to the output dictionary - inserts into dictionaries happen in constant time). 这种方法将需要较少的空间(只需要aoutput ),并且具有更好的运行时(线性运行时复杂性,因为它a一次迭代并将每个元素添加到output字典中-插入字典的时间是固定的)。

You can use itertools.groupby to group the items first and then merge them as you prefer 您可以使用itertools.groupby首先将项目分组,然后根据需要合并它们

>>> from itertools import groupby
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> {k: [v for _,v in grp] for k,grp in groupby(a, itemgetter(0))}
{'a': ['cat', 'dog'], 'b': ['pony'], 'c': ['hippo', 'horse'], 'd': ['cow']}

Sort the input if it wont always be in sorted order 如果输入不总是按排序顺序排序

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