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Kazoo / Freeswitch从受限号码桥接呼叫,如何关闭Sip隐私

[英]Kazoo/Freeswitch bridged call from restricted number, how to set sip privacy off

Am bridging an inbound leg to an outbound leg and want to display the called id from the inbound leg on the outbound leg. 我正在将入站腿桥接到出站腿,并希望在出站腿上显示入站腿的被叫ID。

Restricted -> (123)456-7890 -> (987)765-4321 (callerId Restricted) 受限制-> (123)456-7890-> (987)765-4321(callerId受限制)

When the caller on the inbound leg has restricted their caller id (*67...), kazoo or freeswitch is setting the "privacy=full" sip header on the outbound leg, so that caller id shows up as restricted. 当入站呼叫方的呼叫者限制了其呼叫者ID(* 67 ...)时,kazoo或freeswitch会将出站呼叫者的“ privacy = full” sip标头设置为出局,以便呼叫者ID显示为受限。

When the caller on the inbound leg does not restrict their caller id, the outbound leg shows the inbound called number as we desire. 当呼入线路上的呼叫者未限制其呼叫者ID时,呼出线路会根据需要显示呼入号码。

(123)555-1212 -> (123)456-7890 -> (987)765-4321 (callerid 1234567890) (123)555-1212-> (123)456-7890-> (987)765-4321(callerid 1234567890)

FreeSWITCH Version 1.4.26~64bit ( 64bit) Kazoo V3.0 FreeSWITCH版本1.4.26〜64bit(64bit)Kazoo V3.0

Added custom_sip_headers.privacy on the device, kazoo sends sip_h_privacy to freeswitch. 在设备上添加了custom_sip_headers.privacy,kazoo将sip_h_privacy发送到freeswitch。

Added privacy to Custom_SIP_Headers on the endpoint and kazoo sends ecallmgr_SIP-Privacy=no to freeswitch. 为端点上的Custom_SIP_Headers添加了隐私,并且kazoo将ecallmgr_SIP-Privacy = no发送到freeswitch。

Here is information from the INVITE sip packet on outbound leg showing the privacy=yes and that it we are sending the desired CallerID. 这是出站分支上INVITE sip数据包中的信息,显示了privacy = yes,并且我们正在发送所需的CallerID。

Remote-Party-ID: "11234567890" <sip:+11234567890@>;party=calling;screen=yes;privacy=full

When the inbound callee is not restricted the outbound leg INVITE sip packet shows privacy=off as expected and displays the inbound called number. 当入站被叫方不受限制时,出站路段INVITE sip数据包将按预期显示privacy = off并显示入站被叫号码。

Remote-Party-ID: "11234567890" <sip:+11234567890@>;party=calling;screen=yes;privacy=off

What should I be doing to show the caller id in this situation? 在这种情况下,我应该怎么做才能显示来电显示?

You can update kazoo to latest 4.3 branch and latest monster-ui Caller-ID privacy now managed from web interface. 您可以将kazoo更新为最新的4.3分支和最新的monster-ui呼叫者ID隐私,现在可以通过网络界面进行管理。

In current kazoo this more simple then on kazoo 3.0. 在当前的kazoo中,这比在kazoo 3.0上更简单。

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