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[英]Close subscription on condition with takeUntil()

I have a subscription to get providers from a NgRx reducer. 我已订阅,可以从NgRx减速器获取提供程序。 I want to use takeUntil() to automatically close the subscription when is finally returns an array that has content: 我想使用takeUntil()在最终返回具有内容的数组时自动关闭订阅:

// Fetch providers
//  .takeUntil(reducer.getProviders.length > 0)
    .subscribe(providers => {
        if (providers) {
            this.providers = providers;
//          takeUntil(/** something **/);

Can someone help me with this? 有人可以帮我弄这个吗?

I can't figure out how to make use of takeUntil() 我不知道如何利用takeUntil()

You're looking for takeWhile() . 您正在寻找takeWhile()

takeUntil() 's parameter is an observable, and once that observable emits it will stop taking values. takeUntil()的参数是一个可观察值,一旦该可观察值发出,它将停止获取值。

takeWhile() 's parameter is a predicate which determines whether to take values. takeWhile()的参数是确定是否采用值的谓词。

See the documentation for takeWhile on learn-rxjs: https://www.learnrxjs.io/operators/filtering/takewhile.html 请参阅有关学习-rxjs上的takeWh的文档: https ://www.learnrxjs.io/operators/filtering/takewhile.html

takeWhile(predicate: function(value, index): boolean, inclusive?: boolean): Observable takeWhile(predicate:function(value,index):boolean,inclusive ?: boolean):可观察

Emit values until provided expression is false. 发射值,直到提供的表达式为假。

takeUntil accepts an Observable. takeUntil接受一个Observable。 (Source: docs ). (来源: docs )。 For your case, it would make more sense to use takeWhile , this will emit values as long as a particular condition is satisfied (Source: docs ). 对于您的情况,使用takeWhile会更有意义,只要满足特定条件,它就会发出值(来源: docs )。 Set the optional inclusive property to true so that it will also emit the first item that didn't pass the predicate. 将可选的inclusive属性设置为true,以便它还会发出未通过谓词的第一项。

    .takeWhile(reducer => reducer.getProviders.length == 0, true)
    .subscribe(providers => {
        if (providers) {
            this.providers = providers;

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