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[英]Fetching values from dictionaries nested in a list?

I'm pulling data out from the facebook API, what it returns is essentially a nested JSON looking file. 我正在从facebook API中提取数据,它返回的实际上是一个嵌套的JSON查找文件。

I've piped the data into the a pandas dataframe and one of the columns has returned a series of dictionaries nested in a list. 我已经将数据通过管道传递到pandas数据框,并且其中一列返回了嵌套在列表中的一系列字典。 (see examples in the code below). (请参见下面的代码中的示例)。

How on Earth do I extract the values from each variable (ie a, b, c) when the action_type = landing_page_view? 当action_type = landing_page_view时,如何从每个变量(即a,b,c)中提取值?

ie in variable a, how do I extract the value when searching for specific action types? 即在变量a中,当搜索特定操作类型时如何提取值?

ie return 44, 96 and 116 when I want to search the variables for 'landing_page_view'? 即当我想搜索变量“ landing_page_view”时返回44、96和116?

I've tried various for loops and things of that nature but I am not having any luck. 我已经尝试过各种for循环和类似性质的东西,但是我没有任何运气。 I'm at a loss... 我不知所措...

a = [{'action_type': 'landing_page_view', 'value': '44'}, {'action_type': 'link_click', 'value': '102'}, {'action_type': 'post_reaction', 'value': '5'}, {'action_type': 'post_engagement', 'value': '107'}, {'action_type': 'page_engagement', 'value': '107'}]

b = [{'action_type': 'comment', 'value': '1'}, {'action_type': 'landing_page_view', 'value': '96'}, {'action_type': 'link_click', 'value': '285'}, {'action_type': 'post_reaction', 'value': '25'}, {'action_type': 'post_engagement', 'value': '311'}, {'action_type': 'page_engagement', 'value': '311'}]

c = [{'action_type': 'post_reaction', 'value': '11'}, {'action_type': 'landing_page_view', 'value': '116'}, {'action_type': 'link_click', 'value': '319'}, {'action_type': 'post_engagement', 'value': '330'}, {'action_type': 'page_engagement', 'value': '330'}]
for item in a:
    if item['action_type'] == 'landing_page_view':

Repeat for b and c . 重复bc

You can access it like you would normally but with the list and position in the begining 您可以像平常一样访问它,但要在开头加上列表和位置

example: 例:

lists = [{'hello':'world', 'bye':'world'}]
print (lists[0]['hello'])
lists[0]['hello'] = "user"
print (lists[0]['hello'])

output: 输出:



[item['value'] for item in a if item['action_type'] == 'landing_page_view']

I feel like Jonathan's approach is best for this! 我觉得乔纳森(Jonathan)的方法最适合此!

[item['value'] for item in a if item['action_type'] == 'landing_page_view'] if项目['action_type'] =='landing_page_view']中项目的[item ['value']

Here's another way of doing it for those who don't like list comprehensions so much: 对于那些不太喜欢列表理解的人,这是另一种方法:

from cherrypicker import CherryPicker
picker = CherryPicker(a)

Install cherrypicker with pip install --user cherrypicker . 安装cherrypickerpip install --user cherrypicker Read about more advanced usage in the docs: https://cherrypicker.readthedocs.io . 在文档中了解更多高级用法: https : //cherrypicker.readthedocs.io

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