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无法将数据从模型传递到 Vue.js 中的方法

[英]Can't pass data from model to method in Vue.js

I have a graph with a simple dropdown list with years and I need to pass the year whenever it's modified by the user so the graph will show that year's data.我有一个带有年份的简单下拉列表的图表,我需要在用户修改年份时传递年份,以便图表显示当年的数据。

For example, when I try to access the parameters from this method all i get is undefined:例如,当我尝试从这个方法访问参数时,我得到的都是未定义的:

fetchBarChartData({ anio, sort }) {
      var self = this;
      fetch("https://demo8358110.mockable.io/year/" + this.anio) // insert your api call here
        .then(function(response) {
          var r = response.json();
          return r;
        .then(function(data) {
          self.values = data.values;
          self.valuesline = data.valuesline;
          self.loaded = true;

https://demo8358110.mockable.io/year/undefined https://demo8358110.mockable.io/year/undefined

EDIT: I've added an example https://codesandbox.io/s/vue-template-x4z7b编辑:我添加了一个示例https://codesandbox.io/s/vue-template-x4z7b

您需要将更改的年份传递给您的 fetchBarChartData 函数:

 <select name="year" v-model="year" @change="fetchBarChartData(year)">

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